in #fruit6 years ago (edited)


One of the more trendy or popular ways is to use a pot or polybag. By planting crops in this medium will make it easier to do maintenance, supervision and control and with this media is not take place or land.

With this medium you can plant in the yard of the house, back of the house even in the unused warehouse. If interested please see how to cultivate watermelon plants with pots or polybags with young.
Selection of Seedlings Seedlings

Selection of seeds is very important in doing, which will produce quality crops and also generate a lot of productivity. Propagation of this plant using the seeds that you directly buy in an agricultural figure. Seeds or seeds that we choose tergantug with varietes in accordance with the wishes of farmers.

Seeds are in the form of healthy, shiny, berwrna black or brown, not attacked by pests and also not abnormal. After finding immediately do soaking with fungicide for 24 hours or less, aims to not easily attacked by pests and diseases.

Cultivation of planting media

In pengelolahan this planting media should note the following steps:
Before planting is done should look for loose soil, fertile and contain lots of organic material. After finding do the stirring or embracing, and mengampukan little or sufficiently manure or compost until evenly distributed. After that let stand a few weeks before planting. Then, do the import into the medium of pot with the size depends on the farmer, whether medium, large or the other. Enter it carefully without damaging pots or polybags, until full and watering until moist. And ready to plant.

Watermelon Planting

After planting media is finished next is to plant watermelon plants that have been in the soak. This planting is done by making 2-3 cm planting hole, then input 2-3 seeds of watermelon, then kaukan penimbuna seeds with soil surface or the rest of the soil that is made for pengelolahan planting media. And do watering until moist.

Maintenance of Watermelon Plants

Maintenance of this plant can be done by means of embroidery, weeding, watering, fertilizing and control of pests and diseases. Stitching is done about 1 week after planting replace the dead plants with new seeds.
Weeding done by cleaning weeds, or wild plants around the watermelon plant. Watering is done twice in one day, and do not get too excessive.

Fertilization is done by providing manure, Urea, TSP and others in accordance with the dose. While the control of pests and diseases must be done sanitation and also spraying fungicides and insecticides if already know the symptoms of attack.

Harvesting of Watermelon Plants

Watermelon plants can be harvested when 2-3 months after the plant is even more dependent on the growth and development of the plant. The harvesters are marked with enlarged fruit, glossy colors, stems are yellow or dry, and others. This harvester is done by picking it directly or cut the stalk of watermelon stems.
Such is the article about GUYING PLANTS IN THE POT
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