The Importance of Being Accompanied

in #literature5 years ago


The importance of being accompanied...

Hello, @adsactly's @readers.

These days I was watching a documentary on television where they talked about the advantages that animals have when they are grouped together. Among the advantages they pointed out was that of moving or moving more efficiently from one place to another; likewise, they mentioned that the protection against possible predators is much more efficient, as is the search for food. Finally, for the animal, living in herds, shoals, groups, is equivalent to greater chances of survival.

Like the animal, for man to belong to a group, to live in society, is not only a desire but also a necessity. No human being can live in complete isolation. Men help and support each other, to feed, defend and even give love. This natural demand to be accompanied does not negate the individuality or the need to be alone that we may have at any moment. In fact, it is normal that we voluntarily decide to separate ourselves from the rest of the people, whether as a consequence of a painful experience or lack of courage. What's more, in the documentary I've seen, they mentioned that some animals could separate from the group when they were injured, as it was a kind of defense mechanism not only for him, but for the rest of the group.


In Venezuelan literature there is a story entitled Creatures of the award-winning Venezuelan writer Antonio López Ortega that talks about the meeting of two great friends on a rainy day, after one of them ended up with his girlfriend and was going through a moment of great pain. The unexpected presence of an insect allows the reader to make a certain analysis and reflections on the importance for the human being of solitude and being accompanied. Let's take a look at some of his paragraphs.

The story begins when Blas, dejected and perhaps bitter, tells his friend Armando that he wants to go home. To the friend's affirmative answer, Blas cuts the call and Armando remembers the last time Blas was at home, in love and with Adriana. The breakup with the girl would bring him back:

Months ago, Adriana had abandoned him for reasons he was still looking for at the bottom of the drawers or in the concentric circles of a coffee .


Adriana's inexplicable abandonment had provoked Blas' journey. When he arrives at the house of Armando, a strong storm is falling. Friends greet each other, almost silently. The friend senses that Blas is very sore:

Blas did something like a hug and went in without saying a word. His body ended up in the poltrona of the same room where, months before, he had hugged Adriana. Trying a conversation seemed like a failed exercise: Blas passed his trembling hands over his temples and looked at the starry mosaics on the floor.

There's a familiar phrase that says that to the place where you loved life, you must return. But we see that in some cases, as in the case of Blas, returning may mean meeting memories, looking at them with sadness and not with falling in love. We see that in the story, the rain and the grey day make the atmosphere more melancholy and painful for Blas.


While they were in silence, a kind of swollen beetle appeared, from which some worm came out. Armando and Blas try to kill him, but at the first attempt they don't succeed. Then they try again, and there they succeed: they kill the animal. After this, we see that among friends there is another atmosphere and even a kind of smile on Blas' face:

Blas recognized that landscape again and something similar to a smile was drawn on his face.

With this line we see that in Blas a change is achieved: there is a kind of reconciliation not only with the landscape that brings back so many memories, but also with him and he has the opportunity to be happy again.

The end of this story is what makes us assemble many of the threads of the weft:

The animal had surely taken refuge in a dry place that would allow it to wait for the death that slowly gnaws at its entrails.


It is not fortuitous that this story is called Creatures. I think we are all creatures trying to survive. Feeling in danger, we take refuge, as did Blas and the beetle, perhaps seeking healing or waiting for death. There are some spaces that can help us heal and others that can open our wounds. Blas, on returning to the place where he loved Adriana, was brave because even knowing the pain that memories could produce, returns. But Blas is not alone, feeling wounded, he seeks the company of his friend, who supports and accompanies him. In short, solitude can be good in some moments and for a short time; but in a state of crisis, the ideal is to be surrounded by people who appreciate us, value us and really love us.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. I remind you that you can vote for @adsactly as a witness and join our server in discord. Until the next smile. ;)


Written by: @nancybriti


As a social organism, of course we cannot escape from an environment which means we will always need the presence of others. in fact, when Adam was created he felt lonely and needed friends. then God gave it weak, Eve. And when it is then revealed to the earth, humans will develop more. the more people there will automatically cooperate with each other. As a civilized society, of course we will pay close attention to living in a community. We always want the harmony of life in society to be maintained. Because if we lose togetherness then we will suffer a lot more. Loneliness will give birth to bad attitudes, although sometimes we need a moment to enjoy solitude.
Thank you @nancybriti
Thank you @adsactly
Thank you Steemit
Warm regard from Indonesia

Exactly! We are social beings who enjoy sharing with others, in harmony. Living with another person is a human need. Thank you for commenting, @rokhani

Greetings, everybody. This is a very important and controversial topic. I actually wrote a post inspired by my daughters' conflicts with company where I advocate solitude or aloneness as a possitive state of mind and being when company is toxic or corrupting.
That being said, I am fully aware of how important it is for us to be associated with others and to connect with communities (Steemit is probably the best example).
I had to read this story. I think it is a perfect tale to illustrate the issue of company or lack of it.
Thanks for introducing us to one more great Venezuelan writer.
I agree with you that humans are creatures, just one more species of animal, only more cerebral and more cruel.
We call ourselves superior/developed/intelligent, but we do things to other members of our groups that no animal does.
As you describe at the beginning, some animals even voluntarily stay away from the group if they fear that may jeopardize their welfare, in other instances, if the animal is injured, for example, the group may get rid of it, but the healthier and stronger animals tend to be leaders of packs, etc. With humans, not always the best specimens are the ones doing the leading :)
Our politicians have proven that (they obviously have other "qualities" that have allowed them to remain in power and prevents the rest to do something about it), but they are not the best and they have put the whole group/country in danger.

I also advocate loneliness, not imposed, but the loneliness needed to be with oneself. I always remember the film The Shipwrecked One, where the man had to invent a friend in order not to feel so alone. That's what it's all about! Thank you for your comment, @hlezama.

You're welcome. Are you talking about Tom Hanks' Cast Away? Wilson, the ball, quite a needed company, although I think Hanks' character might have been more successful had he tried capturing a parrot and teaching it to talk :)
I think that we need as much company as we need introspection. Most of the problems peole have with friends, family and co-workers derive from our inability or unwillingness to see ourselves from outside, to accept our defects and do something about them.

It's as if the political class as a whole has severed its ties with humanity and serves only its own interests. We need to get back to governing ourselves in smaller communities to better address the challenges present in those communities. There are too many laws we must follow, which suck up our time and resources trying to verify we've complied!

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So true! I have some significant life challenges that, without the support of a few close friends I could not bear. Sometimes I think about relocating my home, and the potential loss of regular contact with my buddies stops me from going far.
Very well said, thank you.

There is a phrase that says: if you want to go fast, walk alone; but if you want to go far, walk accompanied. Sometimes the people who accompany us make us the best. Thank you for commenting.

No human being can live in complete isolation

I absolutely agree with you on this. No one; no matter how powerful; is an island of himself. This is why we need each other around. There's an adage in Nigeria that explains that "if the right hand washes the left hand, the left hand should also do the same to the right hand so that both hands will be clean".

Nice piece Nancy @nancybriti

Beautiful adage, @samminator. I believe in the inexhaustible and powerful possibility that there is when we work as a team. Individually we are powerful, but united we are invincible. Thank you for your comment.

@nancybriti, Without any question when we surround with people it brings the essence of Completeness in many ways and one picture always reflects and that is Group = Protection. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

That is one of the advantages of being accompanied: protection, support, reciprocal. From birth, we need other people in order to grow, to move forward. Thank you for your comment, @chireerocks

That's true. We are alone but we feel oneness with others. Enjoy your time ahead.

Posted using Partiko Android

A post of great relevance and pertinence, @nancybriti. Antonio López Ortega's story is very appropriate, and your comments are accurate, in my opinion. I have long liked to play with the difference in writing in Spanish between "criaturas" and "creaturas", which is not covered in English (I'm sorry for not speaking Spanish in this blog.). The first takes me to the idea of breeding, and the second to that of creation; of course, both words can be reassimilated between them. First of all, we are "creaturas" (by God, by our parents), and then "criaturas" (by family, society). We learn to be social beings, but originally we are beings alone. I would interpret Blas' search as that of the "criatura" in need of companionship, and that of the beetle as that of the "creatura", faced with its original condition, loneliness, which is death.

Grateful for your post, @nancybriti.

Right words. When the animal is wounded, it seeks refuge, just as Blas does. The "parasites" carried inside the beetle, resemble the feelings of pain and anger that man has for the separation. Only the company of a friend can alleviate his sadness. Among them there is sielencio, but they accompany each other. Thank you for commenting, @josemalavem

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