ADSactly Game Review - Batman: Arkham Knight

in #gaming5 years ago

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Batman: Arkham Knight

Welcome back folks, it’s that time of the week again, time for your weekly game review fix.

I honestly can not believe that in the two years of writing for this blog, I have never reviewed one of my most loved game franchises, and probably my most favorite superhero, Batman. The Batman Arkham series was one of this first games that truly did justice to the character and story, and the players ability to actually be the Batman. To give you an example, the fist ever Star Wars game I played was the 1987, Namco Star Wars game on the Famicom platform, which was similar to the Nintendo Entertainment System. This was all 8-bit gaming and you little pixelated character barely resembled Luke Skywalker, and all you could do was move from left to right bashing things. Fast forward about 25 years to where we are today in gaming, where it's almost impossible to distinguish games from live action or film. This Batman series has bridged that gap spectacularly, you are the Batman, and everything the character was ever capable of doing you as a gamer are now able to do.

I don't think fans of the character could wish for a more enthralling experience, well maybe Virtual Reality, but for now I'm happy as can be. This game has truly inspired game developers as to what is possible, but what is most special about the entire series is that you know true fans of the franchise created it, the details, research and staying true to what the story is all about is all there. The only reason I am writing this post is because this specific game popped up as the free PlayStation Plus game for this month, and I will definitely be re-playing it, starting this weekend.

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Our story begins on Halloween, Scarecrow forces the civilian evacuation of Gotham City after threatening to unleash his potent new fear toxin.

Our hero Batman tracks down Scarecrow to his hideout where he rescues the imprisoned Poison Ivy, who had refused to join Scarecrow in whatever he might be plotting. Batman then meets with Oracle also known as Barbara Gordon who was the first Batgirl, she informs him that Ace Chemicals as the source of Scarecrow's toxin. Batman investigates the facility but encounters the a mysterious unknown foe, the Arkham Knight and his heavily armed militia. Batman barley overcomes the forces and just escapes, abut does locate Scarecrow, who has transformed the entire building into a toxin bomb. That's when Scarecrow reveals that he has kidnapped Oracle, and exposes the already weak Batman to the toxin before escaping. Luckily Batman is able inhibit the bomb's blast radius, but as he reaches safety something strange happens, he is confronted by his nemesis the Joker, who to Batman knowledge is dead.

A flashback reveals that just before the Joker died, his infected blood was used in blood transfusions, infecting five people including Batman. Concealing his infection from others, imprisoned the four other recipients who were physically and mentally transforming into the Joker. The Joker, now existing only as a mental projection produced by the infected blood and Scarecrow's fear toxin, frequently appears to taunt Batman, and manipulates his perception of the world around him, constantly question his ethics.

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"With respect Master Wayne, perhaps this is a man that you don't fully understand, either. A long time ago, I was in Burma. My friends and I were working for the local government. They were trying to buy the loyalty of tribal leaders by bribing them with precious stones. But their caravans were being raided in a forest north of Rangoon by a bandit. So, we went looking for the stones. But in six months, we never met anybody who traded with him. One day, I saw a child playing with a ruby the size of a tangerine. The bandit had been throwing them away. Well, because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn." - Alfred Pennyworth

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First things first, the total size of the game is pretty big, with three islands of the dark and intermittently stormy Gotham City to freely explore.

Gotham encompasses almost everything we have ever seen in the comics and films when is comes to landmarks, like Wayne Tower, Chinatown district, and you can even see Metropolis far off in the distance. One of the main elements that set this game apart from the rest in the series is the Batmobile, which is very much a crucial part in Batman's arsenal. This was very much more based on the Dark Knight film series tank style Batmobile that can easily plow though walls, and even can be controlled remotely, very handy when you're in a tight spot and need some back up. Obviously gear and gadgets and being the world's greatest detective is what makes Batman, well Batman, and there is ample amounts of that with loads of puzzle-solving and crime scenes to investigate. You can seriously get very much lost for days in the amazing side quests which reveals a multitude of other villains taking advantage of Gotham in it's current state.

When it comes to combat Arkham Knight is just amazing, but it will take practice to master the free flow of hand to hand combat against the never ending groups henchmen all over the city. You also get to team up with your side-kick's, Robin and Nightwing and even the very sexy love interest Catwomen to execute some awesome dual-takedown moves that look epic. I have literally nothing bad to say about this game, apart from I wish it was longer, and not that it is in any way a short game, and it was worth every penny when I first bought it. Arkham Knight is the biggest Batman game yet, not just the map size, but in the wide range of different gameplay styles and also its collection of well known characters. This is truly one of the best games out there.

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Batman: Arkham Knight is a 2015 action-adventure video game developed by the goof folks at Rocksteady Studios and published by Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment.

If you have never heard of Rocksteady Studios, then you have never played any of the games in the Batman series, because they have done both the 2009 Batman Arkham Asylum and the 2011 Batman Arkham City, which all have been absolutely spectacular games. Think of these games like the gaming version or equivalent of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy, and I really hope there is more, of the game that is. Based on the DC Comics superhero Batman, it is the successor to the 2013 video game Batman: Arkham Origins, and the fourth main installment in the Batman: Arkham series. Written by Sefton Hill, Ian Ball and Martin Lancaster, Arkham Knight is inspired by the long-running comic book series. Set one year after the events of Arkham City, the game's main story line follows Batman as he confronts Scarecrow, who has launched an attack on Gotham City with the help of the mysterious Arkham Knight , causing a citywide evacuation. Arkham Knight was released worldwide on June 23, 2015 for all the usual suspects, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows. Due to this being a few years old, you'll definitely be able to get a deal on this any where, or free if you are a PlayStation Plus subscriber this month.

I'm giving Batman: Arkham Knight a rating of 9.5/10

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In case you missed it, be sure to check out the previous game review

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Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.

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Game review for ADSactly by MorkRock

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not
necessarily reflect the official policy or position of ADSactly

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Thank You


Glad I read this because when this game popped up in my PlaystationPlus free game of the month i incorrectly assumed it was a Batman game that I had already played (I think it was Asylum.) The graphics certainly look fantastic and I have started downloading it now.

It looks real. I think i'm gonna end up liking this .

Great review. I can understand now why so many people get addicted to video games :)
I am no gamer and I want to play this thing.

it's almost impossible to distinguish games from live action or film.

True, I think that video game developers are raising the bar for graphics and details. Really exciting.
I like the complexity of the story line

Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

This is so true for real world politics. Many people around the world wate their time trying to understand some rulers, trying to find their human/bland side and they don't just get a fundamental fact: some people are evil and beyond redemption.
Super heroes have been trying fruitlessly for decades to teach us that and in some movies they are actually twisting storylines into sugar-coated territory.
I'm glad video games are being more faithful to the material.
Interestingly, they mention Venezuela there. We have been wishing for some super-hero-like miracle for so long...
The evil-doers here are making a mess of the region, but for some people that is not enough. It's like the UN wating for a body count to get to 500,000 to call the thing a genocide and take action. There lies the appeal of the super hero/vigilante.

It really seems strange that you haven't reviewed it before, considering that it's a game you like and that as far as I've seen, you've given it one of the highest scores I can remember you've given to a game (9.5). With that review and that assessment you're already playing it! One of the things that attracts me most about video games is not only the technology and innovations it can bring, but the story behind it, which develops as we move forward. So you say Batman: Arkham Knight has a very interesting and complex story. Although I personally have my doubts about heroes, it's good to know that they're still fighting for good. Lol.) Thank you for your excellent post, @morkrock

@morkrock, The Game Play is so epic. Hope that you've enjoyed this game. Currently i am playing Android Games, specially PUBG and PES 2019.

Posted using Partiko Android

Like I said before, I'm not a video game aficionado. I belong to the generation of cinema and TV. However, Batman was one of my favorites as a child, especially in the television series. Then, when it was taken to the cinema, I also followed it; particularly the episode I liked the most is the one directed by Christopher Nolan, undoubtedly one of the most interesting American filmmakers.
For your review and the videos, you see a very striking production for its technological features and the story itself, which reinforces the eternal struggle of Good and Evil, and the task of the hero (in this case, the superhero).
Thank you for the information, @MorkRock.

Wow, great shots. I'm not a gamer but I definitely tell a few good words about this game to my hubby so I could see how it looks like on the big screen.
Great review.

Posted using Partiko iOS

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