Contextual Factors for Women's Entrepreneurship.

in Project HOPE2 years ago (edited)

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When the traditional society in which men dominate the outside and women dominate the home is gradually changing and feminism is spreading, women begin to play an indispensable role in the job market. With the economic downturn, the jobs of large enterprises are no longer stable. Micro-entrepreneurship has overturned the traditional concepts of work, family, and social structure. Many women are caught in the cracks of this society. , have stuck their heads out and walked out of their own avenues. Especially in the new economic era, the threshold for starting a business is lower, and the choices are more diversified. Such an entrepreneurial model has replaced the previous one that required a lot of capital and manpower.


Why are there more and more female entrepreneurs in modern times? Many sociologists have begun to explore this reason. After a large number of studies, they have found that there are some common signs in the background of women's entrepreneurship around the world. The most striking is the surge in the number of women's entrepreneurship. The start-up market has been shaken. In addition, most of the entrepreneurial forms of women around the world are concentrated in the service industry or retail industry. Although this form of entrepreneurship is small in scale, it is also more life-like. Therefore, from another perspective, women's entrepreneurial forms are also mostly Mainly small and micro-entrepreneurs.

In addition, many people have begun to study the entrepreneurial trends of women in Taiwan, from the traditional role of women in the early days - husband and child care at home, gradually evolved to women in the workplace to obtain the professional status women should have. In general, the evolution of women's entrepreneurship in Taiwan, It can be roughly divided into the following four categories:

  1. From a proprietress standing behind the scenes to an entrepreneur on the stage, for example, Ms. Chen Minxun, the now well-known chairman of Taipei 101, is a good example.

The second is the evolution from intuitive entrepreneurship to planned entrepreneurship. Female entrepreneurship is more meticulous and planned.

The third is from the early partnership entrepreneurship to the current female self-employment. From this phenomenon, the independence of modern women can be observed.

Finally, the evolution from traditional labor-based entrepreneurship to today's professional knowledge-based entrepreneurship shows that women are more specialized in today's society.

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hello @adityajainxds,
it is interesting the way in which women develop business, from my point of view they have a great creativity and they focus on quality service. in latin america it is not common to see women with big enterprises but this reality is changing very fast due to the entrepreneurial spirit of women.

It is a good thing for us as women, that we are growing from standing behind and moving to take the lead in the society. A woman's strength should be harnessed in public places and even in the business world and not trapped to the walls of a hidden place.

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