in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

This is my second attempt at drawing in my ongoing quest to re-learn how to draw. I have decided to stick to my favourite topic as a kid - superheroes :)

As such, I have created what I believe to be the first superhero on the Steem blockchain - STEEMAN!


Origin Story

During the creation of the Steem Ecosystem, there was some fluctuation of quantum energy in the Cryptoverse. This energy imbalance was evident to the developers as the kerfuffle leading to error messages while compiling - which is why the system had to be rebooted to rebalance the energy.

Unbeknownst to everyone, a micro quantity of Steem energy escaped the Cryptoverse and collided with Mr John Doe - a minimum wage janitor, working his shift in the adjacent building. He woke up the following day with the ability to traverse to and fro the real word and the crypto world.

One thing led to another :), and has now found himself unable to resist the urge to be who the joint Cryptoverse-Universe continuum has called him to be; STEEMAN!

Super Powers Yet Discovered

  • Traversability - between realms
  • Infinite Steem Power
  • Flag Power - Can flag / downvote his enemies to oblivion
  • Flight
  • Lurking - Can read all posts without comment
  • Troll Shield

He is still discovering his skills day by day. He is also in search of company of other super beings in his realms. He’s heard of a certain ‘Captain Spoonhand’ and has sent out a beacon to see if they could get together and form some kind of crime fighting collective. He doesn’t know what they’d be called - Steeman, Captain Spoonhand, perhaps The Evaporators or something. They’d have to find a Kettlegirl and possibly a Saucepanwoman though.


Peace and Love ✌🏿

All copy and photos are original content by me.

▶️ DTube

I gotta say brother, your drawing is not bad at all...not bad at all man!!

Keep it up!!

Winny out...for now ;)

Thanks dude. I hope to get better with practice. Gotta accelerate due to years of practice lost :)

Fantastic drawing and music Ade! I love the story, as well- its so obvious its like it was there all along!

It was hidden in plain sight :) Thanks hehe.

Oh wow I Think its a nice drawing :) What will be the next hero?

LOL. Who knows, depends on who contacts him. Maybe DTubeGirl


Or dmaniac! :p

YES! You're amazing Ade. Please keep sharing you're art. I want to hear more about the adventures of Steeman! And also you draw in biro! I'm impressed. 😁

Ah! that's a huge complement coming from you :)
Don't worry, Steeman is here to save the Internet 💪🏿

Heck yeah man! That's amazing. Super impressed with your skills

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