NOAA Satellites Malfunction as Arctic Ice Increases, Four Year Gap Expected

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If you hadn’t seen the latest news, NOAA’s next-generation weather satellite just malfunctioned and it might not be repairable. It was set to operate for 20 years, it was an addition to GOES 17 taking a look at natural disasters wildfires, volcanic eruptions in the western half of the United States. Interesting in the Grand Solar Minimum intensification the launching to study volcanic eruptions. The Cascadia range hasn’t gone into multiple eruptions for hundreds of years yet they’re going to send a satellite up to specifically to study eruptions.

Agencies are also saying the launch of these next set of satellites, could be pushed back if experts can’t figure out how to fix what’s been going wrong. They’re not going to send up any other satellites if they don’t know what went wrong with the first ones, because it’s going to have the same malfunction as all the components and parts are built by the same companies so the story goes. They tell you and assure you right now we have an Operational Constellation serving us now with weather predictions etc., but it falls right in line with all the Arctic Ice Mapping that we’re “used to getting”.

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This is GOES 17 under construction.

What did it mean by gaps? Looking into Seeing Ice, these four satellites used to maintain a key record of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice. They’re also giving data for weather forecasting across the Arctic maintained by the US military services in some instances here like NSIDC which I’ll show you in a second. US Department of Defense, that’s the purple, so three out of four of those, and notice even though it’s not just US satellites which are ageing, the Japanese satellite data set also is going to break at 2019 to 2021.

This is incredibly interesting on the timing, because they’re telling you in advance that this whole ice satellite data set is going to be interrupted right when ice gains increase to far above the levels we have seen over the last 50 years.

When I mentioned the United States military taking care of some of the ice measurements, the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program called DMSP. What this means is at least three of these aging satellites are all going to die at the same time, they’re not going to have any replacements and the one malfunctioning last week, these agencies have told us they’re not going to launch anything else up there until they figure out what’s going on.

Interesting in the timing on all of this, next possible replacements they’re talking about wouldn’t launch until it early 2020s but now they’re talking about pushing it further back. So you’re going to tell me that we’re not going to have ice measurements for four or five years? No satellite coverage for the Arctic or Antarctic.

You might ask yourself, why would that make any kind of waves in the climate debate? If we look at David Dilly’s research, the Arctic water pulses this next pulse are going up into the Arctic with Atlantic water temperatures cooling, it’s absolutely going to cause more sea ice because it’s not going to be melting from beneath as much.

Each successive water pulse entering the Arctic from the Atlantic from this point forward is going to get cooler and cooler. We’re heading into a Grand Solar Minimum.

The Atlantic water temperatures are cooling beyond any expectation of even the experts on how fast it’s cooling.

(BELOW) The Arctic ice gains that we’re seeing this year, left side this is from Polar Portal, right side is what you’re getting from the NSIDC that’s the satellite data set I was referencing earlier. I put these side-by-side for the comparison, notice there’s a few discrepancies where there’s less ice being shown in the NSIDC set compared to where the DMI & European agencies are showing it. North of Alaska, on the graphic to the right of Alaska, if you’re looking at that chart those two giant areas that show no ice on the left side DMI showing ice with the NSIDC set does not show ice.

Greenland Ice Mass Budget, it’s increased 600 billion tons this year of new ice. Really irregular timing that all the satellites are going to go down and we’re getting more Arctic ice and more ice on Greenland. Wont to be able to measure that either as it grows.

We’re getting into the coolest part of the Grand Solar Minimum around 2024, so you need to ask yourself, is this all purposeful because it’s absolutely the strangest of circumstances when we’re going to blank out all of this ice coverage for the next several years as it increases all at the same time.

Thanks for reading, hope you got something out of the article. If you like this type of information you can get more in-depth commentary in my tri-weekly podcast Mini Ice Age Conversations.

*** Today’s Story Links ***

NOAA’s Next-Gen Weather Satellite is Still Malfunctioning and May Not be Fixable

Ageing satellites put crucial sea-ice climate record at risk

Sea Ice Coverage

Current Surface Mass Budget of the Greenland Ice Sheet

Atlantic sea temperatures

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