Greenland the Summer that Never Was: Shifting Jet Streams?

in #grandsolarminimum6 years ago (edited)

If you haven’t been following the news they call it the “Lost Summer for Greenland”, there’s record snowpack of 600 billion new tons of ice up there since September.

This has all been lingering into July & August, which has been harming the shore bird breeding season. They found that the tundra where these shorebirds normally come was a hundred percent covered in a deep snow deep, which affected their foraging for food and nesting grounds.

From the Scientific American, “late snowpack and record snow cover along the east coast”, and here’s the shocker, usually the snowmelt begins sometime in June, and it uncovers the ground for these birds to nest on. This year something has definitely changed with 100% hundred percent snow cover when they got there. We’re told that Greenland is melting into infinity and it’s going to raise all the ocean levels, apparently not this year.

Here we go, + plus an additional five foot of snowfall in July, on the central west coast.

Taking a look at the temperature anomalies, we’ve been told that the Earth is the all-time hottest, but when I look at this and I see something like 10–12 degrees Celsius below zero north of Alaska, and in parts of Eurasia. That will offset some of the heat in Scandinavia, but Greenland remains cool. You see blue all over the map but the media feeding us something different.

Explaining how some of these changes are occurring on Greenland, let’s talk about the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ICTZ) shifting during Grand Solar Minimums, a lot of study done on this what they’ve done is measured up in caves where stalactites are.

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How much water has come down during rainy periods over the last two thousand years and they have a pretty good idea of where the jet streams shift during Grand Solar Minimums along with moisture patterns.

Another thing to point out is that more cosmic rays equal more clouds. It’s an inverse, so if the Sun is stronger the magnetosphere is stronger, we should have less cosmic rays, which would decrease cloud cover and raise global temperatures. Now that we’re coming into high galactic cosmic rays more cloud cover will equate to lower temperatures.

We’re starting to see the exact same thing, that the temperatures are starting to drop on the planet to only two-tenths of a degree above baseline since 1979.

This sums it up perfectly, Global Warming was the narrative, but now they’re telling you it’s record cold and Global Cooling. Somehow it stems from Global Warming that is heating the oceans, yet the oceans are cooler in many places, but they’re still trying to push the narrative that heating equals cold.

Now we should be heading some of the warnings of the astrophysicists coming out talking about a prolonged a Solar Minimum, temperature drops will definitely affect our global food supply.

Italian meteorologists coming out saying the same exact thing, they’re even talking about whether the climate is going to replicate something from the 1970s starting right now. They’re expecting more snow cover, and this is what they’re looking at in February of 2019 for their long-term forecast. You can see Europe well below normal, Greenland though a little bit warmer on that south west coast.

Cooler waters across Nova Scotia and northern part of Atlantic Ocean south of Greenland, maybe this would explain why Nova Scotia blueberries have been wiped out by killer Frost’s in June. We can expect more killer frost from this point forward year after year, but they lost 60% of blueberries this year, and the industry had huge losses last year. What does it portend for next year? I’m going to say decrease yet again.

Legacy news now reporting on some of these more obscure food losses like vinegar, balsamic vinegar, but not everybody eats it, not everybody will use it, so to put it in MSM feeds, it’s a very safe story for media.

They’re looking for a 45 percent rise in vinegar due to shortages in Europe, but they also talked about point number three, the highest bidder gets it, and that’s why I’m saying with rising food prices, if you don’t have the money you’re not going to eat. They don’t want to talk about wheat losses across the United States. but they’ll talk about balsamic vinegar.

Another input into the whole agricultural system here, India’s going to need heavy investment in hail netting. So how many millions are tens of millions of dollars a hail nets need to go out across the orchards just in India? Multiply that by other continents, countries and other fruits, and you can see where we’re going in future growing seasons as they become more unstable with late season freezes. This is just the beginning.

Thanks for reading, hope you got something out of the article. If you found any value in this check out more commentary on my tri-weekly podcast Mini Ice Age Conversations on iTunes, Libsyn, Soundcloud, and Stitcher Radio.

*** Today’s Story Links ***

How anti-hail nets are helping Himachal’s apple cultivators

Temperature anomalies

More than half of Nova Scotia blueberry crop wiped out by JUNE killer frost

Brace for 45% rise in balsamic vinegar due to grape crop failures

Italian forecasters admit connection between solar minimum and cooling

Winter 2019 to be brutally cold in Europe Italian Meteorologist

Seven New Papers Forecast Global Cooling & Mini Ice Age

Global Warming turns to Global Cooling

A Coming Grand Solar Minimum Or Not: Predicting Solar Minima And Maxima

Uranus & Neptune: Role In Solar Grand Minima And Solar Cycle Modulation?

How Little Ice Age displaced the tropical rain belt

Greenland’s nesting birds

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