Great Potato Crisis with Italy Decimated by Floods & USA Chills

Starting off with Carlos Ramirez. He’s doing an independent research on Cosmic Ray density. Carlos is a great resource, we can back check on what the officialdom gives as its numbers.

He’s put together the bimonthly averages for 2018 and the annual averages from 2014 to 2017. Refer to the data over to the left. It is expected that in the future, we’ll see some of these larger spikes as we get into 2019 and 2020 at the very bottom of the 11-year Solar Cycle, and we’ll enter into a new Grand Solar Minimum at some speed, you would expect this.

Take a look at solar cycle 19 to 24. Notice that when the sunspot numbers are increased, cosmic rays are decreased. There’s an inverse relationship as you can see on the far right side of the chart and we’re not officially even at the supposed bottom of Solar Cycle 24 yet. Cosmic Rays are higher than anything we’ve seen in the Space Age, and expect it to go even higher.

With that being said, galactic cosmic rays have a direct relationship to more cloud cover on the planet, to heavier hail events, to more wind, and to heavier rains. Also, since the global wheat crop is now being affected, a lot of people are talking about using potatoes as a mitigation crop.

These are able to grow underground, so it wouldn’t be affected by these global cold, wind and hail events that are wiping out barley and wheat crops.

Problem is, Europe’s great potato crisis is here. This does not portend well for the rest of us around the planet that are going to grow potatoes to replace lost wheat and barley yields.

Europe usually produces 53 million tons of spuds, but because of the unusual climate this year, specifically the drought across Europe, Germany’s Agriculture Ministry announced a harvest of 25% smaller than the usual. Okay, we can deal with the smaller harvest but, what we cannot deal with the next sentence. “This year’s potatoes are smaller and denser than normal.” So there’s even a change in the way that the potatoes are growing due to the climatic conditions! These potatoes are now one-third shorter as a result.

As we move forward with agriculture, we have to take into consideration how these plants are going to adapt as a response to what’s happening on our skies, on our earth and on our Sun’s magnetic field.

Down in Italy though, it’s a complete opposite. It is atmospheric compression event or all-time record rains in Crotone, southern Italy.

If you thought your commute to work was difficult, you should give it a go on these roads in Sicily. This is not the only area that was flooded.

Click Here to Learn More

Take a look at areas around Sicily as well. These are city streets. Massive flooding, cars being washed away and people being rescued!

Taking a look at some of the standing water around towns in Italy, looks more like Venice than it does inland.

Staying in Europe and Africa, this weather map is really strange showing Northern Europe incredibly warm, but look in Africa, some of these areas 12 to 16 degrees Celsius. Specifically, that purple on the left where Morocco and Algeria are, 2016, 2017 & 2018 had eclipsing record snow totals and successive cold records being broken. Here we go, this is an early start, it should not be that cold down there.

For those of you in the US, just wanted to drop you a report here from Ryan Maue. Over the next two to three days, that cold front is going to push all the way down to Mexico!

I do thank you for reading this post. You can find more in-depth analysis on the tri-weekly podcast Mini Ice Age Conversations. Analysis and conversation on how these extreme weather events and rising food prices are going to affect us all with the global economy straight in the middle.

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MIAC #120 Australia is Entering a Mega Drought the Repercussions

Grand Solar Minimum Book of the Day

Gardening When It Counts: Growing Food in Hard Times

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*** Today’s Story Links ***

Great Potato Crisis with Italy Decimated by Floods & USA Chills

Ice cap will disappear 2008

Temperatures charts NE USA

Temperature charts North America

Temperature Charts SE USA

Colorado Rockies Temperatures

Cosmic Ray Updates

Arizona snows

Calgary Snow

Italian Floods

Sea Ice Thickness map

UAH Global Temperature Update for September, 2018: +0.14 deg. C

Europe’s great potato crisis

GOES Satellite hurricanes in Atlantic and Pacific

GOES West Water Vapour

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