Fuel First, Food Second, Repeating Cycles For the Masses

It’s already December, the holiday season is upon us. That is a beautiful Christmas tree and a little bit of snow out the windows. Today’s sponsor is True Leaf Market Heirloom and Organic Seeds

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Let’s take a look back what happened in Chicago. Over a foot of snow, but then, Chicago is always ready for these types of storms. This one however, just pounded the city with power outages.

More than 140,000 residents without power because the heavy snow took down the trees that then took down power lines; 1,300 flights were canceled from O’Hare and other regional airports.

Keep in mind that Chicago is one of the snowiest cities in North America, but they broke their all-time snow records during the event. Not only that, they’re incredibly prepared for these types of snow storms but the disruption of services was astounding this early in the year.

I don’t even know what’s going to happen in January and in February when they usually get their highest snowfall totals and coldest temperatures. Chicago had the earliest snowfall for 30 years in the Autumn as well.

We’ve been told that heating oceans and feedback loops from Global Warming are going to cause heavier snow falls. At least, that’s what they say now, but, if this year is only the fourth warmest on record and this extra snowfall is supposed to be caused by evaporating oceans and all the heat, why didn’t we have all these record snowfalls a few years back when it was actually warmer, during the El Nino?

Why is it only now that we are getting all these snow records and cold records being broken?

Currently we are heading into a Grand Solar Minimum that’s supposed to be amplifying and intensifying from this point. Maybe that’s the answer.

There’s a thing in the same region here, Clinton, Iowa, west of Chicago. It’s there on the map below, they’ve had such record-breaking snowfall that the city is asking the residents to clear away any fire hydrants near their property, for easy visibility, in case there’s an emergency.

So I thought, how much snow could have been there? Well, this much record snowfall in Clinton, Iowa.

When I was in the Clinton Herald website, I entered “record snowfall” into the search bar, and lo and behold, record-breaking snowfall in February 2018 in the same place. So now, we have record-breaking snowfall in the same year in November 2018.

Not only that, back in January 2018 they broke cold records. This is a kind of amplification step-up that you’ll see in these regional areas from Chicago to New York, Great Lakes, especially Pennsylvania. Record after record after record after record is being broken this year both snow and cold!

So, when another climatologist steps out and says all the recent Global Warming was not due to CO2 but ocean cycles and water vapor, that’s something. The Atlantic is switching to its cold phase where ocean waters are going to be cooler for the next 30 years in a natural Earth cycle, that also affects the European temperatures and European weather. Now we are facing overlapping cycles.

Also on NoTricksZone, they have a great run down here of other peer-reviewed research that is not making it into the mainstream media. They also talk about other causations other than CO2 for all the weather extremes you’re seeing on our planet. There are more than 1500 peer-reviewed papers in this small segment right here. I’ve linked this below in the description box.

Martin Armstrong with another article on Global Cooling. Now it’s getting to the point where economists are noticing that rising food prices are going to crush the economy. Economists are now chiming “Grand Solar Minimum means huge declines in our economic activity.”

We also have Grand Solar Minimum effects reducing crop yields. They’re going hand-in-hand and now there’s more than one industry that’s going to explain what’s happening with 400 year solar activity cycles, and how it’s going to affect your life and mine moving forward.

In Martin’s article, he has this image of great George Washington reviewing the ragged army at Valley Forge. This is a stamp collection. The thing is, how much cooler was it back then in 1774–1776? They were able to drag cannons, horses and wagons across areas that haven’t frozen in centuries in the United States and along the east coast.

Jumping a few days back into Tropical Tidbits, Florida was going to get down near freezing, or break the freezing mark. I called Miami to hit the freezing point but it did not, it was still in the low 40’s. But further north, from Orlando back to Panhandle, it hit the freezing mark. So I was off about a hundred and fifty miles on where the actual coolest line descended through.

There is an anger rising in France, Paris is burning and Macron needed to call out the National Guard. France is under the State of emergency and the government is going to try to quash the movement.

It’s going to get incredibly hectic over there in the next few days. If you want to talk about bread and circuses, here we go, distraction to keep your focus on anything except rising food prices and crop losses.

If this much anger is coming out because of rising fuel prices and taxes on fuel, can you imagine how this is going to progress when our food supply is affected?

Right now, it’s fuel first. Food is next and will be the main catalyst to flip our societies into something not seen in four centuries.

Off to ZeroHedge here’s a great article. “Buy Bitcoin,” I love this guy. He got involved in the protests. The whole thing is, as Macron says, “fuel hikes are necessary to combat climate change”. I don’t know. Everywhere you look, scientists, astrophysicists and climatologists are saying we’re heading towards Global Cooling and we need to start thinking about how farmers are going to shift to different types of agricultural products as Earth’s climate system shifts from cooler, wetter, drier, more severe winters and to shorter summers.

The E.U elite are still trying to push down our throats this agenda of Global Warming. I can see why the citizens are fighting back and saying, “You’re expecting too much in our lives already.” What happens when food prices triple during the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum?

Let’s talk about the connection between disturbances in the Ionosphere and the 7.0+ earthquake in Alaska. Those two areas overlapped exactly at the same time, in the same place here on our Earth, triggering the quake.

When I talk about the Electric Universe, Birkeland Currents and how our star is going into a decreased activity state that’s ushering in a Grand Solar Minimum. There’s another Wikipedia article under my video, a stamp of authenticity. Every time I see one of those, it’s like a badge. I should be pinning those on my shirt. YouTube can’t let you believe anything other than CO2 warming.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more information like this I produce the Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast, 30 minutes of in depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go.

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(MIAC #180) Reasons Why China Will Collapse During the Eddy Grand Solar Minimum


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*** Today’s Story Links ***

France in Chaos; Macron Considers State Of Emergency Amid “Yellow Vest” Protests; “All Options” Considered




Iowa — Record snowfall buries fire hydrants




Record cold & snow Clinton Iowa, Jan & Feb 2018


Cold Florida

Major Temperature low in 2046


Christmas Tree

Snowstorm drops up to 13 inches on Chicago area, strands travelers, leaves tens of thousands without power

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