in #writing7 years ago

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I want to introduce you all to a movie i saw recently, that brought me to tears and taught me life lesson. Here i will just summarize the story to create an interest in your heart. An entertaining and amazing story.


THE hundred foot journey is one of those movies which satisfy every aspect and every individual, filled with comedy, love, romance, intrigue, suspense and most importantly life lessons. Here is a story from it.

It begins with a market scene. AKHIYA and her son (HASSAN) in a market in MUMBAI, INDIA. Akhiya and Hassan are in the market place to buy food items but hustling to get one particular food item, sea urchin. By the look, rush and desperation of different buyers stretching out money to the trader to buy the whole lot of sea urchins. but the trader stares at all of them without saying a word. Young hassan finds his way through the crowd, and goes straight for the item and tastes of it. Alas the trader said "for the one who truly knows", impressed by Young hassan's go-for-it attitude. He sold the lot to Hassan, indirectly Akhiya, hassans mother.

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Hassans life seemed to be going on well, as he was a cook in his family restaurant, the Kadam family restaurant where hassan saw as a school and his tutor Akhiya his mother. The restaurant and cooking was all he knew. Hassan was particularly trained by his mother in the art of tasting. Akhiya, master-cook taught important lessons to hassan one of the many lessons was "Life has its own flavour, spirits that live in all ingredients but to cook you must kill, you cook to make ghosts" meaning what we acually call taste or sweetness or flavour of an ingredient is actually life in ghost form.

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Hassan, his family and the restaurant seems to be going well until one night there was political fracas due to an election in the province and the losing party birthed chaos leading to the destruction of the restaurant, death of his mum and the loss of everything precious they had own. This chaos lasted for a while and the Kadam family had to seek asylum in london. They stayed for a while but couldnt continue as they didnt find comfort as well fulfilment. they are a family that
loves to cook and loves being close to nature not processed foods. At the embassy, when interviewed by the consulate; Hassan said "the vegetables in england has no life"

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Granted visas they are seen on a road trip, heading to france but then involved in an accident due to brake failure but no life was lost nor injury.

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Soon after fortunately for them they met a beautiful french damsel by name MAGARET who came to their rescue.

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She took them home and offered sumptous meals to the family before they went to an hotel nearby to lodge for the time being. she was a chef and worked for a michellin restaurant in the village.

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Days after, Mr Kadam (hassans father) sees a building on lease and shows interst in acquiring the building so he can set up his famous family indian restaurant in france.He tells his children, who really weren't excited about it considering they hadnt planned to stay in that part of france and there was another problem. About a hundred feet from the proposed building was a world class restaurant with a michellin star. Hassan and his siblings protested against their father's decision but he wasnt moved. His mind was made up and there was nothing anybody could do about it.

Madam mallory, the michellin starred restaurant owner got word about the kadams family plan and wasn't really happy about it but she was confident they werent match enough to be a competitor in the restaurant business. She is confident Kadams family restaurant will last for eight (8) months at maximum. However, she planned to cripple their efforts even before the opening night. Madam Mallory visits the Kadam's as they prepare for their opening night, takes their food menu went to the village market market and bought all ingredients crucially needed for the Kadams menu for the opening evening. getting to the market, Kadam was left in despair, heartbroken he declared war on madam mallory and her restaurant. Determined he drove 50miles in distance to get these items from another market. His determination to see that the restaurant opens that evening paid off. He got the items and the whole family dive in to preparation of the food with Hassan as the Chief cook. Amazingly due to family team work they were able to beat time and prepared the restaurant in anticipation to receive customers. The evening was a success with customers coming in to taste
the delicious indian meals.

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Kadam a stubborn and relentless man when it comes to decision making had sworn war on madam mallory and her restaurant and sought revenge. He went to the market and bought all the pigeons in the market. He found out that pigeons were the key ingredients in preparing food for the minister of france who will be visiting the michellin
restaurant. This caused a great upset in madam mallory's restaurant and amongst her chefs. Griefed by this incident, one of her finest chef JEAN-PIERRE decides to go set ablaze the KADAMS family restaurant.

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Hassan was caught in the fire and his hands were badly injured. He was rushed off for treatment. Madam mallory on hearing this summoned all her chef and questioned them on the accident, on hearing about Jean Pierre wrong act she relieved him of his duties and asked him to leave the restaurant in shame, and sternly warned against such attacks in the future. To make up for the atttack madam mallory goes to the kadams restaurant to clean off the dirt in the premises. Hassan comes out to see her and offers to make her an omellete.

"Magaret had told hassan on one of their picnic dates that madam mallory could tell if one was going to be a great chef by simply taking one bite of omellete"

madam mallory acceoted the offer and assisted hassan in preparing the omellete since his hands were still bandaged.

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She tasted the omellete and was amazed at how hassan without any training was able to pull it off. knowing the right ingredients and style. She offered hassan 6months training which he took but was subject to mr Kadam whom she was at war with. Kadam abruptly refuses the offer and goes to confront madam mallory, they battle with words and go there seperate ways.

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But madam mallory was determined in ensuring Hassans cooking skills doesnt go to waste. She visited the kadam family restaurant there after and demanded for either hassan or death. After long persuasion and much convincing Kadam agreed. Hassan goes to work and learn under madam mallory, he grows to be a world class chef, and was invited to one of the best restaurants in paris. He becomes an icon to be reckoned with in cooking, attending interviews and bagging cash.

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Hassan returns back to the village to see his family, he ends up marrying magaret whom they seem to have been liking each other from time.

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Mr kadam and Madam Mallory seem to have balanced things over time and they began seeing each other.

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A tale of two unfriendly neighbors becoming one family.

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I strongly recommend you see the movie and tell me what you think about it.
@adamxx the moviebug


Great piece...ive seen the movie and its a really nice movie. Kadam is a stubborn man but knows what he wants. Great movie

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