Does America need a government to be united?

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Do we need to be united under one government to be united as Americans?

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Adam THANK YOU for posting to dtube, but I can't get it to play, will have to watch it... ick... elsewhere... lol!
I will go ahead and answer your question without even watching, though. The Bill of Rights are pretty much HUMAN rights. So, if we humans ever got our brain around that, self governance would become very viable.

Quick answer? Yes. If you don't think we need a government, then you are only thinking of yourself.

That kiss in the end is a bit creepy, but not as much as the other politicians. So, yeah, if I were American I would vote for you.
Now that I am not I can only vote for this post.

Yes, a federal system helps support the common good. It also prevents things from being a race-to-the-bottom in terms of capabilities.

I agree with your thought

@adamkokesh Your thoughts ring true in today's America. Over the course of 241 years, we've taken our country from the classically liberal society it was (as written about by Thomas Jefferson) and turned it into a quasi-socialist state.

Washington was first a foremost a businessman, who turned soldier and later an opportunist. Hamilton was nothing more than a schill for the banking industry (funny how he is now the "cool" founding father). The idolized Lincoln by his own admission did not fight the civil war about slavery but over money, banking, and centralized power.

I wish you luck in your endeavors, but I believe the Civil War was the death knell for a movement such as this. Unfortunately, I think the only thing that could bring about what you're proposing is a full financial meltdown.

Would love to hear you thoughts on this!


I think you bring up many very good points, so let's have a little chat about it. My problem is that if the government can't do anything to let's say big corporations, then the corporations can set the minim wage super low, and the people working for those big corporations won't be free, cause they HAVE to have that job to feed themselves and their family's but is trapped and can never get ahead. And for me the most American thing is that someone will start from the bottom, and if you work hard then you can get ahead in life, if you don't well you should be stuck in a low wage job. I think that's my main problem with your kinda of thinking, instead of the government controlling people it will be the giant corporations, I think having the government in charge is better cause the people vote for those leaders. And already those big corporations are controlling the government so we need clean elections, and you bring up many good points but I would rather have the Justice Democrats way. Where they don't take any money from any big corporation and they only accept donations from the real people.

Basic econ will tell you that a company that doesn't pay its employees a fair wage will lose those employees to the competition. Government instituting a minimum wage in the first place distorts the true value of labor, thus leading to more automation, as you currently see specifically in the fast food industry. So in fact, the min wage hurts the very people is aims to help, the low skill - low wage employee.

Absent a government, corporations no longer have the power to get favorable bills passed (that they wrote). They no longer can get bailed out by the tax payer for poor business decision making. They no longer get a slap on the wrist, and instead actually serve jail time. Accountability is restored when everyone is one the same playing field.

I try not to assume, but based on your questions/statements, I am guessing you haven't given much thought to these ideas. Adams book Freedom is a great start, I suggest you read it.

Maybe, I would rather have a strong government though. I think this is a very interesting idea, but we would really have to change how the united states works.

Maybe? Mind clarifying what isn't true or you disagree with? To say "I would rather have a strong government though", isn't really an argument to the point.

Okay, I ment your idea could work, but I think it might be very hard to change the way the government works. My question for you is, Why are you afraid of having a centralized government?

On top of democide being a real thing, thanks for chiming in @tinswel I am against the initiation of force, I am against theft, I am against government borders, I am against victimless crimes, etc. Governments (all of them) are for those things I just mentioned. Why are you pro-violence instead of pro-consent?

Because democide is real.

Only one problem here, there are no real "governments" in THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. In fact The United States of America failed (coup d' etat) in 1871 after one of the bloodiest false flag events in history - the US Civil War. This is when the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was formed.

THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a corporation that went bankrupt in 1933 and is now under the control of the criminal organization BIS (Bank of International Settlement) located in Basal, Switzerland.

The IRS is a third party collection agency which was set up in 1933 under the nation's third constitution (yep - third constitution) and is overseeing the bankruptcies (yep - plural).

State governments, ARIZONA for example, are also CORPORATIONS and subsidiaries of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. State governments, IRS, DHS and other like minded agencies and organization were created to serve and protect the interest of the BIS and act as their collection agencies in order to repay the "debts" owed. Debts which the criminal banking cabal created through wars and outright theft (referring specifically to the aforementioned false flag - US Civil War).

Know that CORPORATIONS are always written in all CAPITAL LETTERS. The reason you have been arrested (kidnapped by these thugs) is that you the real person "Adam Kokesh" was obfuscated at birth when they took your sole (soul) print and turned you into the corporate fiction and commodity known as "ADAM KOKESH" (look at your driver's license, social security card, passport, bank statement, etc). If your social security card was issued after 1999 it will have your commodity (bond) number stamped on the back. This number can also be found on your birth certificate and it has a purpose.

The STATE can only control what it creates because no-thing can be greater than its creator. The STATE created "ADAM KOKESH" so they could control Adam Kokesh.

"The Grand Experiment" was not if a Democratic United States would succeed but if the criminal banking cabal would be able to control the country, its people and resources. No-thing that is occurring right now is organic or accidental. It is simply the next part of the Grand Experiment.

One more thing, I really would vote for you however the voter registration card requires one declare they are a "UNITED STATE CITIZEN". A UNITED STATE CITIZEN is in fact a Roman slave. All roads led to Rome and it really goes that deep. In fact it goes even deeper.

Yes we do need a United States. I've been discussing this exact topic here...

That's exactly what my platform is!

What is? My opinion?

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