A Daily Dose: Changes and mistakes!


When things get rough, when should you give up? Everyone always tells you not to give up, but can you not give up if all that you can see are shadows of your mistakes? Sure it's easy to say, but trying to figure it out is a complicated maze. You need to go back and forth when you got lost.

Does life has to be that way? Isn't there any easy way to deal with it? It gets harder day after day, and living today is like walking on a rope - I see mistakes more than chances. And I don't want to believe that I'll be living my life forever this way.

Why am I so miserable? I'm always asking the wind hoping that somebody would hear and answer me. I'm still hoping, although I know that there won't be anyone. Sometimes I laugh out to my misery to kill the longingness that is growing in me.

To be alone is not an easy task. You have to deal with everything all by yourself. You can't blame anybody for all your mistakes because you alone brought them. You can't feel weak because you'll lose the battle of life. You will lose yourself.

I know that I'm not the only one who struggles with the same fate. There are many of us, and some already accepted a different shade of life. I know how difficult it is to make something more complicated. But what if you are unaware of what you're doing? How would you realize your mistakes?

Do mistakes bring something good in life? I didn't want to ask that because I know how stupid it was. How could a mistake bring something good in your life? All I know is they bring you misery and make you feel dumb.

Let's say there is. Maybe mistakes are there to make you stronger rather than break you into pieces, or perhaps because they bring changes to your life. Is it because we need to gain experience? Why do we have to suffer to gain experience?

"Don't worry about hard times, because some of the most beautiful things we have in life come from changes or mistakes." - Anon

They say change is the only constant in this world, have you ever thought of asking that everything would stay the same as they were? What would the world be if change doesn't exist?

© imawreader | #ChangesAndMistakes | Image source


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