U.S. President Trump Wants To Expand "Trump TV" International To Show How "Great" America Is

in #politics6 years ago

By Aaron Kesel

U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted on Monday to suggest the creation of a new global television news network run by his administration to counter "CNN International's unfair and false portrayals of the United States."

"While CNN doesn’t do great in the United States based on ratings, outside of the U.S. they have very little competition. Throughout the world, CNN has a powerful voice portraying the United States in an unfair and false way," Trump tweeted.

"Something has to be done, including the possibility of the United States starting our own Worldwide Network to show the World the way we really are, GREAT!" Trump continued tweeting.

The U.S. government already runs a global broadcast network called Voice of America, which employs 1,000 people, spending $235 million last year alone to create various programs in 40 different languages which promotes how "GREAT" America is.

It's also worth noting that Trump previously quietly launched his own propaganda news network using a webcast last year called “Real News Update" in a move straight out of George Orwell’s dystopian society 1984, a Ministry of Truth.

President Trump’s daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, heads the “news organization,” being deemed “Trump TV,” funded by Trump’s re-election campaign according to The Daily Beast.

Trump’s plight about MSM news and their lack of positive news about his administration will finally be heard using Facebook to broadcast “Trump TV.” Topics include job growth, the stock market, the economy and any other positive news about Trump’s achievements for the week.

“More great economic news on Friday,” former pro-Trump CNN commentator Kayleigh McEnany says, seated in front of a blue Trump-Pence themed wall to give “the real news.”

McEnany has also just been announced to be the Republican National Committee’s national spokesperson, Politico reported. It’s unclear if this new job will affect McEnany’s ability to also be the propaganda spokeswoman for Trump TV as well. It’s also unclear whether she is being paid by the Trump campaign or the White House.

Sales of 1984 raised the book back to the bestseller’s list on Amazon after Trump’s inauguration, NYPost reported.

In another video, Lara Trump talks about the president’s successes.

“I bet you haven’t heard about all the accomplishments the president had this week because there’s so much fake news out there,” she said at the beginning of the video, The Hill reported. “We wanted to give you a glimpse into his week,” Lara Trump added.

However, it’s the way she signs off the network that is worrying.

“Thanks for joining us, everybody. I’m Lara Trump, and that is the real news,” Laura Trump said concluding the video.

This is all akin to state-run propaganda that you would see somewhere like North Korea.

Even former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul previously tweeted that the video felt like “state-owned channels” in other countries.


The director of Campaign Legal Center, Brendan Fischer, told The Daily Beast that the president “is now using campaign funds to create what looks like a quasi-state TV project.”

“A disclaimer stating that this is paid for by the Trump campaign appears particularly important here,” Fischer said in an email, given efforts to present the videos as actual news broadcasts.

Such a disclosure “is legally required for any other ad broadcast by the Trump campaign,” he noted, but “there is some ambiguity about when a disclaimer is required for ads posted exclusively on social media, and the Trump campaign may be trying to assert a loophole.”

Even The Late Show host, Stephen Colbert, spoofed President Trump’s “Real News” videos in a segment “that looks like state-sponsored propaganda,” Colbert said.

The comedian then cuts to a quick skit of his program “Real News Tonight” in which the anchors mock Lara Trump.

While "Trump TV" may highlight his accomplishments, it certainly won’t highlight his scandals; and it’s important to get a balanced diet of propaganda. For that balanced diet you can follow Activist Post's propaganda for peace, abundance, freedom and liberty.

Previously, MSNBC’s co-host of Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski, has stated that it was the media’s job to “control exactly what people think.” Here at Activist Post we think it’s your job to think for yourself.

Whoever controls the media, controls the mind. – Jim Morrison.

One can only wonder when Trump suggests creating an "Worldwide Network to show the World the way we really are, GREAT!" if he means mirroring "Real News Update" on a television station. A scary idea indeed.

By @An0nkn0wledge

Aaron Kesel writes for Activist Post. Support us at Patreon. Follow us on Minds, Steemit, SoMee, BitChute, Facebook and Twitter. Ready for solutions? Subscribe to our premium newsletter Counter Markets.

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