15 Things that will make you happy right now - Happy mood boosters

in #life7 years ago (edited)

15 Things that will make you happy right now!

1. Smile

I smile a lot!
Smiling makes other people smile.
When you see someone smile the first thing that comes into your head is happiness!!.
There has even been research that fake smiling can make you happy.
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2. Put on some tunes!

Playing your favorite song and grooving to the tunes is a great way to boost your mood right away.
Music is one of the quickest ways to change your mood.
So, put on some fun uplifting music and DANCE!


3. Get outside

After working inside for hours it is good to get outside for some fresh air. I love to eat my lunch out side on my lunch break.

4. Go for a walk

A 20-30 minute walk can do a lot for your mood. Walking gets your blood pumping and more oxygen in your body, which will decrease stress.

5. Treat yourself

Don't think treating yourself is a bad thing.
It is important to take a break from your work, eat some CAKE!
...or however you want to treat yourself.

6. Watch Cat Videos

The internet was created to watch cute cat videos, right???
What can make you more happier then seeing cute, adorable cats!

7. Do something for someone

Doing something for someone else is a great way to feel good. Even something as small as sending a nice text message to a friend can bounce happy vibes back to you!

8. Try something new / change up your routine

Sometimes the same routine can get us in a state of boredom. Change things up. Do something different and out of the norm.
Try a new activity or take a differnt route to work today.
Change is exciting and can make you happy.

try something new.gif

9. Read

Getting lost in a book can get your mind off a stressful day. Take an hour or two and read something you enjoy.

10. Meditate

Meditation is a great way to clear your mind and reflect. Meditation is calming and relaxing.
They say mediation can change your world.

11. Yoga

This is one of my favorite ways to releive stress. Moving your body is good for you. If you are in a chair all day, try getting up and doing a few stretches. Your body will thank you.
Have you ever taken a yoga class?
How do you feel after? I always feel happy after the class.

12. Call a friend

Calling a good friend is always a way to brighten your mood. A good freind can relate with you, and give you the affection that will boost your happiness.

13. Be Grateful

Graditute is a very powerful thing. I did a recent blog post on The Importance of Gratitude.
Be thankful for all the things you have in your life; friends, family, health, Steemit, ect.
Reminding myself of all the amazing things in my life helps my happienss levels soar!

14. Let go

Let go of the negative thoughts. Detach from past negativity.
Allow more positive thoughts into your life.
let go.gif

15. Get on Steemit!

You knew this one would be on here, right!??
Every time I get on Steemit, I am allowed to be creative with my content. I am able to get lost in many amazing articles, and storys. I get to check out some of my favorite Steemian's blog post. I get to connect with you, from anywhere in the world

Thanks for checking out my post!
All gifs are from giphy :)
I hope it made you happy! :)

Thanks for all your support.



Emotions are irrelevant....*....

....*....happiness is a human weakness to be exploited in the coming botapocalypse....&....

Definitely agree with the music point! nothing better than leaving work with some music for the commute to arrive home happy.

May you be happy!

Thanks buddy! :)

cat videos. Watching now.

If you want to get happy now then buy a dog asap 😸

I just like to play with other peoples dogs!
I am to busy for a pet right now. Someday, hopefully I can get a Pug ;)

drinking caffeine usually makes me feel pretty happy

Ah! You can never get tired of some funny cat videos I wonder how much time I waste on them 😸

These are all awesome tips and I do practically all of these things you writen about. I'm really a happy person and I love my life and myself :)

You got me at virtual hug dude ^_____^

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