AskSteemit: You have 50 million SteemPower for a month to use, what do you do?

in #asksteemit6 years ago

This time around, instead of me writing a post about the question asked, I'd rather just make it short with a few rules and interact with the comments instead.

50 million SP will give you a vote of $2400, that's $24000 daily.

You can do anything with it, self-voting - what would you do with the rewards?
Funding - what would you fund and why?
Curating - how would you curate and who?

Go! :)


Edit because I don't read good I guess. I missed the whole "for a month" part. Assuming that means the stake is delegated, I can't have an effect on witness rankings, or redelegate to curation initiatives. Also, I'd have to let it go. Whoops :D

  1. No self-vote. At 50m SP there's literally no reason. Curation rewards from $24000 in daily votes, even if voting at the very end, should be more than enough to live on.
  2. Shake up the witness rankings. Some people would be happy and some would be sad, but one thing is for sure: things would change. And if I didn't like the results, they would change again, and so on.
  3. Counteract bad actors. With 50m SP there would be almost no limit to my ability to negate the voting behaviour of bad actors on Steem. I needn't elaborate on who they are.
  4. Drop random bombs. The idea of this has always excited me. Once a day I'd take a 100% vote and just drop it on someone. New, old, whatever. Someone who I thought deserved it.
  5. Delegate to manual curation initiatives. I am not a wonderful curator myself, and I think that's okay, because there are some pretty great community curation projects here. I would use a large amount of my stake to support their activity.
  6. Let it go. Slowly over time, I would power down and distribute stake directly by making purchases, giving donations, running contests, and similar actions. I would also burn a decent portion of it. 50m SP is just way too much for one person to have.

My upvote went to you for your point #3.
That was exactly in my mind too. First - build the own reputation to 83+. (as there is no any other option). Second - make steemit the better place.

Posted using Steeve

I would think about all of the good things I could do then I'd UPVOTE MYSELF INTO OBLIVION.

After closely considering all the incentives this blockchain offers, I would absolutely vote only for myself.
After having staked up the whole month, I would then continue to vote myself, but spread some 10% of my VP over different authors and perhaps some sock puppets.
Every other month, I would start a new challenge - the more privacy invading and humiliating for the contestants, the better.
If a project had minnow or curation in its title and I could get more coins from it, I would support it.
After all, I have been a minnow once.

I would become the average Steemian's new hero and selflessly good whale, like ned or berniesanders.

like ned or berniesanders.

I feel like you're referring to someone else. xD

I thought that was the best part of my reply, actually.

challenge - the more privacy invading and humiliating for the contestants

Any examples of this one? :D

That is just my personal touch :)

To quote the one and only Uncle Ben

"With great power comes great responsibility"

Atm I post usually one post a day and usually I upvote that post with 100%.

That would not fly anymore...As I think most of my posts are not shit posts I dont think they are worth 2400$. My plan is to be able to live from my Steemit earnings so I would upvote myself for 100$.

Well that is probably easier said then done and maybe I would get greedier over time...dont know tbh as 5 million SP would mean a pretty heavy investment and with that I want ROI of course...but that is a topic for another day.

I would use some VP to downvote some of the shit in trending.

I would fund some projects or initatives like steemmonster, comedy open mic and chibera for example.

Curating...I would feel like with that much SP you would be pretty delicate what you vote with higher VP.

But even a 1% vote has significant impact. I would probably vote more in 5% steps. Atm I give out less but therfore with more VP votes out.

I think I would have to need to change that as I would decide pretty much by myself who is trending and who is not if I so choose.

I would delegate 5000 SP every day for at least a month to minnows who apply and I think will put it good work.

I would start a charity account where trusted Steemians get the key to and can post for a good cause. I would upvote this quite heavy to get the needed exposure and to fund it meaningful.

  1. Be pardoned as heck that everyone just started to like me for my SP
  2. 10% upvote on one of my blogs per day
  3. For once write a community blogs on the community account and 100% 2 of them per week max to build up some SP and reputation over there.
  4. 10-20% updvote a couple times a week on some people that have made life enjoyable on Steemit. They are the reason why I keep wanting to come back day after day
  5. Curate the daylights out of some amazing authors out there.
  6. Find some amazing comments and show them some love as well.
  7. Upvote some community leaders. There too many to think of at this time that go day in and day out without getting many votes at all despite their dedication and time invested into making places enjoyable.

Before people flood this blog with all them self righteousness, let me start by saying I'll spread the love to people making quality shitposts(the funny ones). I'll put comedy, music, posts about alcohol, weed and other "substances" that bring happiness. I might also fuck around get into a flagging battle with @ned for the hell of it(Doubt he'll get into it) Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I'll upvote the shit out of @wafrica @comedyopenmic and everyone that uses them tags.
I'll not forget my closest friends on here of course and I'll make them rich as fuck too. Did I mention the flagging battle with @ned? 😂

ive changed my mind. prefer your idea lol

You're a winner. Come on down to @comedyopenmic there's a lot of funny money with your name on it.

lol, I'm sure there are plenty of other flagwar happy whales around :D
Would be fun if they didn't know it's for a month only and would stop posting their daily 10 shitposts and leave. :D

Exactly, It'll be so much fun. My discord will be flooded with death threats and pleas. Oh the fun times.

Definitly i will support streaming on steem, then i will support really skilled players to make the best e-sport team. Imagine that will be awesome to represent Steem at LCS, MSI or Worlds. Next i will create several tags for diffrent conetent like streaming, esport, best action montages. I will not forget about people who send me donation with text about their work on steemit. I will reward them with my love upvote.

I would create the biggest circle jerk group ever. Then when we would be ready to start upvoting ourselves, I would just downvote every one of them.
#endcirclejerking #itisdemotivating

Well, will self-vote at 20 percent
50 percent of that upvote will go to @minnowbuilder and @wafrica and @kevinwong because these accounts support me and many other small accounts

@ladywayne will get a 10 percent upvote for being a sweetheart
And the rest will go to the contents I fancy.
That's for a day.

For a month will be delegating 95 percent of my sp.
65 percent will go to small account users struggling with resource credit
I will then scout for a project worth my sp and delegate the rest to them.
In all honesty, this is too much power for one man. I will need a team to help me out.

Keeping it real, I'd give myself probably 1-2 upvotes per day, and the rest I'd use to fund multiple new and focused front-ends. One for art and one for comics. Then I'd pay/hire some of the best in those industries to create some exclusive content that they would only release on these frontends. Part of their deal would be to advertise these projects on all their social media, then I'd curate new users that came and participated. This way, I primarily pay the herder and not the sheep.(I don't mean sheep in a negative way, just having people bring their following with them)

In this imaginary scenario, if I really only had this for a month, I'd also need to fund some alt accounts so that I could keep this up although to a lesser extent in the future past that one month.

If that sounds at all unselfish, don't be mistaken, I'd be taking a percentage on those front-ends :) But hey, I'd pay top dollar so they'd be super awesome, and create an empowering system for artists and creators as well as consumers, I think it would be a win win.

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