AskSteem: What's your best crypto investment?

in #asksteem5 years ago

Might be a bit of a weird timing with this question considering most altcoins are still near the bottom of their cycles, but I'm thinking more long term. Some of you maybe even took the opportunity and sold a lot during last bull run so maybe it's still worth it and hope you're investing back now and haven't spent it all on H and B. :P

Aside from the usual "early adopter" coins such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, I still consider Steem to be one of my best investments so far. The sense of community, interacting with people, making connections and building up your account along with the advantages that Steem provides such as a constant earning through the rewardpool which is something most others don't have. I'd say even at these prices and no matter how bad things have gone and how many mistakes have been made it goes to show how strong this blockchain is and the people still using it keeps growing for every bear market, even though this is kind of only the 2nd bear market of Steem and possibly more to come - but maybe we get lucky and this will be the last one. :)

I've told this to some other Steemians in the past, but I don't think there's a realistic big amount of money that I would accept to sell my Steem account, the reputation you get here (not that useless number that counts post rewards) through your actions over time is worth a lot more, even more so if you believe Steem will do well in the near future. Many who have been here and proven that they've only been interested in short term or to take out as much value as possible without giving anything back will not be doing as well in the future as those that have remained true to their words and been team players. As a curator it has been sad to see many leave and over time it has kind of made me want to concentrate on the people I know bring value to our blockchain daily and will not just desert their accounts and take their empty promises with them, especially during these bear markets I think it's important to reward those users for that and not just for the content they create. At the same time though keep in mind the people that have been here and helped make Steem what it is today and what it will be in the next bull run so you can reward them a bit extra then. I'm not saying ignore the ones coming back completely, we're only humans and the majority are of course here just for the monetary aspect of Steem, no point beating around the bush with that as it is one of the most revolutionizing aspects of it. With the new HF though I am looking forward to also be able to take some of the unfair rewards some of the people deemed to not be contributing as much back to the platform as they are taking from it in one way or another. I think as a community we should band together and make sure that is the case and try to create as little drama as possible, but at the same time drama sells and is one of the cheapest forms of buying attention. @dramatoken :P

I'm going a bit off track here, but even though I've noticed many pointing fingers just cause they look at my current powerdowns without even considering it's being used to re-invest into new Steem projects long term or even bother to ask what I'm up to when I'm powering down a lot for the first time in 3 years. It's just the way people are, short-sighted and they will most of the times fomo back into Steem way too late or "come back after having been busy" late to find their connections they used to have are all dried up or gone as well. I think it's going to get a lot harder to earn Steem in the near future but I hope that's not the case for the deserving ones. The blockchain never forgets.

All in all I'm still very optimistic about Steem and my (mostly) time and effort investment into it, although I sold Eth and EOS almost at the top for Steem which was priced 10x higher at the time I still don't regret it much cause in the long term the current charts are not going to matter and what I have been able to do with the stake through all the years is hopefully going to have a bigger impact than what it would've done sitting in fiat or buying me a new sportscar.

What's your best crypto investment?

PS. I'm planning on posting more again but seems I've been left out of these vote-trading circles and forgotten :( vote4vote anyone? xD


It depends on how you see the bestness.

I've earned most money with EOS, thanks to @kryptik who gave me a recommendation to buy it - and then I sold it with very good profit. Could have done better, but as I earned with it, I can't complain.

However on very different scale, I've enjoyed most Steem. I haven't earned money with the €€€ I've used to buy Steem, but being in the blockchain and trying to do something with the SP I'm holding has been most enjoyable. There are better things in life than only money.

Probably STEEM if you ignore the time vested, < $1 an hour otherwise though.

Definitely wouldn't sell my account though, lots of little autos of support could be worth a lot more in years to come :)

Best by far for me this year has been Bitcoin (well duh). Worst, is Steem. Litecoin has done okay, but below expectations. I really expected LTC to go north of $150 before the halving and it never quite did that.

LTC still has a chance, halving is 13 days away:

My opinion, but I think LTC has seen its pre halving top and will stay down now and will sell off (perhaps hugely) after halving. Will be a good time to accumulate and will most likely go up in the coming months, depending on BTC's fortunes.

Glad you are posting on Steem Leo! Finally I can give you a good upvote back!

Cheers! Unfortunately I sold mine and should learn by now not to judge a coin by its name. :P

steem for me. However, I did use some a few hundred steem to buy some EOS once upon a time and then sold it to buy quite a few thousand Steem back. That felt nice :)

I think even at these prices smoke has done well from the earlybird special and I hope it will do better later once things start happening. And Enjin also.

I have no idea where I hear about these coins... ;D

I have bought, mined or traded 40 BTC, 4000 LTC, few thousand DASH and few millions DOGEs from 2013-15. I lost most of them in futures trading (3000 LTC in 20X margin trading in OKcoin) and sold out rest of them at low price (e.g. 10 BTC at $400 on average) due to agony of loss. I knew that LTC will hit ATH in coming years (from the last ATH at $48 in 2013).

Since then all my eggs are in Steem from 2017. I am not a good decision taker on diversification. Though I thought hard about ETH when it was $2 but decided for LTC (eventually lost them) and EOS when was under 50 cents but went all in for Steem.

I have also left trading and become long-term HODLer.

If Steem reaches 1/4th of ATH in next altcoin bullrun, I may able to make a decent return. However, I still believe that Steem will overrun previous ATH in next 1-3 years. For that to happen, STINC has to be vanished or sold out (pun intended).

I am working on some statistics for a future post but I am seeing that my Steem Monsters or Splinterlands card collection is probably my best performing crypto investment I have!

I was valuing BNB at $12, so when it crashed to $4 I knew it was going to be my best gain.


I really wish I could say Link, though. the 4chan /biz/ army was right on that one.

Dumped most of my EOS at $24, was a nice ~72x

Too bad Steem is down 10x since then but still went better than expected. :D

I think it'll be a long time before EOS gets back that high. I'm a hodler. Still hodling!

Posted using Partiko Android

LINK is doing just fine for me 👌

Posted using Partiko iOS

Bitbay. The dynamic peg is almost ready and a few exchanges are working with the team to get it rolling. It is a whole different breed of "stable coin" and is developed by David Zimbeck. I have been holding and accumulating since march 2015 in preparation for this time.

I also feel steem has a good chance of doing well with all the new development happening and seeming interest.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 62014.91
ETH 2410.27
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50