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in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Hi @crypto.piotr,

Thanks for always finding new interesting topics to discuss ;-).

I'm living in the french speaking part of Switzerland and here all the kids are singing the song of "the gilets jaunes"

This wasn't so funny when we last went to Euroairport in Basel which is on French Teritory and my son was singing this song next to some french militaries... :-)

This movement is against the system and the political class

Macron was seen as a new force that would be better than the old political forces. Truth is that these problems have been building up over many years and many administrations. It would be wrong to make Macron solely responsable for the problems of France.

This movement could spread to other countries quite easily

What is special about France is that their taxes are really high and people are litteraly squeezed at every corner. Even if in other countries the middle class isn't pressed as much as in France yet, we can clearly see that this class is getting poorer and poorer. What can you do when you work full time but don't manage to pay the bills? In democratic countries you can go to the street like in France. In many countries this is unfortunately not possible because it would put you in real danger.

The truth is that we live in a time where the proportion of poor people is increasing every day. It is only a matter of time till we see people go to the street in other countries.

Is a bank run a good idea?

I understand the motivation of the "gilets jaunes" and also that they want to change the system. I believe however that by trying to provoque a bank run things could go out of hand.

Or perhaps Im wrong and we should also consider different scenarios?

To put the financial system into danger might have a direct impact on businesses and jobs and there would be several categories of people all with different interests. The state won't simply stay put and let a bank run happen. The tension will increase and I believe that there will be more violence.

Solutions are found in communication not in confrontation

When I look at the shutdown in the USA because the president and the parlement are having a pi.... contest. Or the situation in France where each party wants to impose its ideas to the other, I truely believe that we have to restart to bring reason to people. If you impose a solution by force, you will always have somebody that resents this solution and will do everything to fight it. Solutions have to be found by listening to each other and by finding compromises.

How will tomorrow be?

Unfortunately I believe that this demonstration will become more and more violent. On the other hand something has to be done to change the impovrishment of the middle class world wide. The system how we know it has to be renovated and the power has to go to the people not to the politicians. At the same time the money has to become democratic. Central banks have too much power at the moment. Maybe tomorrow will be the time of cryptocurrencies and real direct democraties where people vote for everything thanks to blockchain technolgy. This would make the politicial class not necessary anymore. There would be just a governement that puts the decisions of the people into reality...

Best regards,


I appreciate your comment a lot dear @achim03

Again it is the most amazing reply I've read today. LOVE IT.

Even if in other countries the middle class isn't pressed as much as in France yet, we can clearly see that this class is getting poorer and poorer.

Sometimes I wonder if problem is banking and our financial system? Or maybe problem is elsewhere? I see main issue with property developing companies, which are manipulating this market heavily.

If people can hardly afford to pay rent, then they have very little left to cover other expenses. And France not only has huge taxes but their properies are super expensive already.

The truth is that we live in a time where the proportion of poor people is increasing every day. It is only a matter of time till we see people go to the street in other countries.

Funny thing is that when I look back 10 years then almost everyone I know was poorer than they are right now. Is that my silly impression? I feel that the only thing that changed is the fact that with social media people can express themself the way they never could.

Solutions are found in communication not in confrontation

Communication with some people like Macron or Ned is just .... not possible and hardly exist. And that is also a major problem.

At least in Us there is some sort of communication. That's a great advantage.


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