The COVID-19 Pandemic Deprived Us Of Our Universal Human Rights Granted by The "Universal Declaration of Human Rights"

in GEMS4 years ago


According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948, each and every human being born on this planet has various fundamental, and theoretically inviolable human rights, no matter the country where he/she lives, some of them being miserably violated during this world pandemic, unequally all over the world.

There are thirty articles, in the above mentioned declaration, compelling our human rights, and in this post I will extract some of them, that from my knowledge, have been violated with the consent of almost all world governments. Again, not all countries have enforced the same measures to protect us from getting infected with the COVID-19 hence I will comment on these that I am aware of and have noticed being violated.

The first article states that "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood", while the next four articles underline " the right to life, liberty and security of person", and that no one "shall be held in slavery or servitude".

We can't really talk about slavery, as we know it from history books, but to some extent, humanity is under some sort of slavery created by world governments and secret societies, so it's quite ambiguous to claim this pandemic has generated such slavery, although it works for tightening it but, aren't the right to life, liberty and security of a person being violated? In my country, Romania, they are and I'll explain how.

The right to liberty is being stolen by the act itself of forbidding one person to walk the streets at any hour, and towards any destination, without having to have a personal statement on what reason he/she left the residence for, determined by the government, while the right to security was taken from us when the emergency state edict stated that the right to inviolability of the home has been lifted from us, allowing the police and army to enter our houses with no need of a warrant. That's exactly why all was packed in a commanding military.

Because you can't dispute in court such an enforcement, is why they acted this way. My simple minded logic tells me that such commanding military requires a war and not a damn virus to be enforced... but who cares about my opinion, or rights.

Article 13 says: "Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state." Definitely not taken into account, hence the personal filled statement, that Romanians need to carry on themselves whenever leaving the house, does not have such an option to opt for, making it clear that one would not be allowed to travel to another county, and even close town, without the reasoning for that that is supposedly a subject of the personal filled statement. The same article gave any human being the liberty to "leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country." How many of you have traveled recently to any foreign country?

That's what I thought, almost nobody, so tell me how this right hasn't been violated... At the article 17 of the declaration we find that "Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others and no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property." I don't know how this is being respected in your country but in here, paragraph g from the emergency state edict that I linked above says that the right of private property is being lifted on the duration of the state of emergency due to COVID-19 which is an obvious slaughtering of my, and other fellow citizens, universal human rights.

The articles 17, 18 and 19 point to the rights to get informed, freedom of expression, and opinion and freedom of peaceful assembly and association, and the #socialdistancing obscure imposition is definitely ignoring our right to peacefully assembly and association, and the hidden reasoning for that, in my opinion, is for riots and protests to be taken out of the equation, as there would definitely be such manifestations all over the world, considering the absurdity of the pandemic and the violation of our human rights, but do we have the right to freedom of speech, expression and to be informed?

No, otherwise there wouldn't be banned youtube videos talking coronavirus, 5G and the supposedly connections with pandemic, by youtube, and there wouldn't be a mass censorship on facebook for posts related to the same topics. If they, the giant social media sites, and the ones pulling their cords consider such theories as conspiracy theories, it doesn't mean we don't have the right to information and opinion about those, or that we can't ask for studies and explanations from our governments, like in the case of 5G supposed side effects on human health.

Articles 23 and 24 talk about our rights to work rest and leisure but, this pandemic proved to be the thief of such rights, and again, my country "took the right to take us the right" from economic freedom with its military emergency state edict. Companies all over the world have been idled until the governments decide the opposite, and that's obvious violation of the above mentioned rights. If they would be respected, then every company should decide if it closes gates, or if it takes the risk, with the consent of its employees, to continue their businesses. It didn't happened though... and quite many are idled for the moment, and have been as such for over two months.

The right for "education, cultural life and community participation", that are given by the 26 and 27 articles from the declaration are obviously wiped away right before our eyes, and although some churches have started protestation for such rights, they are still not given back to us, inhabitants of this so called free planet. The narrative is of course, our own protection, but shouldn't this be in our hands and for us to decide whether we take the risk of contacting the virus, by getting out and living our lives, or not.

And with the last article, the declaration basically "assures us" that "Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein." Still some of the most important, in my opinion, rights have been trampled on right before our eyes. There is also the right over our body's sovereignty, that might not be mentioned in the declaration, and that is susceptible to be taken by a future law enforcement making anti COVID-19 vaccines mandatory but, that's a topic for another post.

Every excerpted paragraph presented in this article and linked to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and The Romanian Emergency State Edict can be consulted in the links below of the official websites of the United Nations and Romanian Presidency Official Website.

Image courtesy of pixabay and free to use

Thanks for attention,


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