Can You Solve This Viral Math Puzzle?

in #math7 years ago

image: Mind Your Decisions

When this math problem was initially posted on Facebook, it included the claim that only one in 1,000 people could solve it. The problem goes like this: If 1 + 4 = 5, 2 + 5 = 12, and 3 + 6 = 21, what is 8 + 11 = ?



It is (8 x 11) + 8 = 88 + 8 = 96.

In general, the plus sign in the question means (a x b) + a where a is the first number and b is the second number.

Thanks for the explaination

The answer to this brainteaser is 96.

... or 40

no, 40 is the wrong answer

The solution which results in 40 is just as convincing as the one which makes 96, really.

An question with two possible answer. Its sure, question mistake.

For 40, explanation,
2+5=12 (2+5+answer from above equation i.e. 5)
3+6=21 (3+6+answer from above equation i.e. 12)
8+11=40 (8+11+answer from above equation i.e. 21).

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