🎙 Hai steemian, am from aceh indonesia, let me introduce my self.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hallo steemit. Hi steemitian
Introduce earlier, and forgive me with my english. my name is Abdul Rahman I was born in Lhokseumawe city, Aceh, Indonesia. On 9 June 1993 at PMI Lhokseumawe Hospital. The fruit of the heart of Bpk.Tahar ismail And Ny.Nursyidah
MIN 2000 s / d 2006 MTS private Ulumuddin 2006 s / d 2008 Private MA 2008 s / d 2011 D3 Akper KESDAM Iskandar young 2011 to 2013

And that's all the levels of my learning from childhood to adulthood. And for level S1 I do not take why? Because the funds are not enough. ha ha ha
But if there is more sustenance I will continue.

Actually if it said the hobby has long liked the smell of technology, especially Computer / pc and Camera. This penchant has been my tekuni since early until now. And now thank God alhamdulillah has become a blessing and side livelihood besides being asissten doctor.

As a Videograper and occasionally as a Fotoghraper.
Regular after our work the Videographer and Fotographer gather at Station Premium

And Cofeetime

Maybe just enough for today's introductions.
In the future I will continue in the next posting post

Contack person
Facebook : abuaman73
Line : abuaman73
WA : 0822-7654-2853
Instagram :
@abu.amann (video)
@ Abuaman73 (photo)
@cnm.kzln (video weeding etc.)



Hallo steemit. Hai steemitian
Perkenalkan sebelumnya, nama saya Abdul Rahman saya lahir di kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia. pada tanggal 9 Juni 1993 di Rumah sakit PMI Lhokseumawe. Buah hati dari Bpk.Tahar ismail dan Ny.Nursyidah )
MIN KUTABLANG 2000 s/d 2006 MTS swasta Ulumuddin 2006 s/d 2008 MA swasta 2008 s/d 2011 D3 Akper KESDAM Iskandar muda 2011 s/d 2013

Dan itulah semua jenjang permbelajaran saya dari kecil hingga dewasa. Dan untuk jenjang S1 tidak saya ambil kenapa? karena dana tidak cukup. hahaha
Akan tetapi jika ada rezeki lebih saya akan melanjutkannya.

Sebenarnya kalau dikatakan hobi sudah lama suka dengan yang berbau tekhnologi terutama Komputer/pc dan Kamera. kegemaran ini sudah saya tekuni sejak dini hingga sekarang. Dan sekarang syukur alhamdulillah sudah menjadi berkah dan mata pencaharian sampingan selain menjadi asissten dokter.

sebagai Videograper dan sesekali sebagai Fotoghraper.
Biasa setelah kerja kami para Videographer dan Fotographer berkumpul di Station Premium

dan Cofeetime

Mungkin cukup segini saja untuk perkenalan hari ini.
nanti kedepan akan saya lanjutkan di postingan postingan selanjutnya

contack person
Facebook : abuaman73
Line : abuaman73
WA : 0822-7654-2853
Instagram :
@abu.amann (video)
@abuaman73 (photo)
@cnm.kzln (video weeding dll)




Welcome to Steemit !
Great to have you here !

thanks bro. hope you enjoy my post @witze

*thanks bro
. i hope you enjoy my post. and dont forget upvote . hahahah . just kidding @warjar

Welcome to Steem @abu.amann I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Welcome! Joining Steemit will change your life.

Welcome to Steemit! It's good time to start create Steemit better :)

Welcome to Steemit @abu.amann, I have upvoted and sent you a tip. Check my blogs if you are looking for tips on how to earn more Steem and SBD.

welcome @Abu.amann ! hope you enjoy here as much as i do ! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me ...

Hi, you're very welcome to steemit. I wish you success. I hope you'll enjoy steemit as time goes on. I'll like to follow you so I can share ideas with you here on steemit. I'm now following you. Feel free to follow me back if you want. @kingsley-clement

thanks @kingsley-clement i hope too you enjoy my post. i course, i already follback you haha

welcome to the fam, check some of my posts to save money entering crypto and for some undervalued crypto, cheers. please follow me back and keep0n.steemin :)

you are welcome back. i realy happy can join with you and of course i will check your steemit @keep0n.steemin

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