Farmers' private gardens

in #news8 years ago

In Zhejiang Province, China, Jiande City Shouchang town Zhoucun villagers Ao Shulin is a mason, from childhood love of painting, quite artistic talent, he spent nearly 10 years, in front of a small vegetable garden and behind a nobody The ancient well of the founding of an impressive park, buffalo, elephant, shepherd, long bridge, a small village miracle

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I rented in Hangzhou for some time, if you have been to China 's Hangzhou suburbs, especially in the vicinity of Mount Tianmu scenic, along the way to see the best villas, Here the villa architectural style is very beautiful, there are many villas in Europe and America, even row of villa building to become a landscape here, In Hangzhou, do not look at the farmers,they are lot of the rich, when I see this news, do not think it is very surprised,Because many capable people are in the countryside

在中国浙江杭州, 建德市寿昌镇周村村民敖树林是位泥工,从小喜爱绘画,颇具艺术天赋,他花了近10年时间,将门前的一片小菜园和屋后一处无人问津的古井打造成一座令人赞叹的乐园,水牛、大象、牧童、长桥,成为小村庄的奇迹

我在杭州租住过一段时间,如果去过中国的杭州郊区,特别是在天目山景区附近,沿途的风景就别墅最好看,这里的建筑风格大多是微派建筑,也有许多欧美别墅, 连排的别墅建筑成为这里的一道风景,从农村的建筑看当地的经济,杭州的富人很多,别看是农民,杭州机场路附近的城中村拆迁补尝奖额都是数百,数千万,当我看到这条新闻时,不认为是很惊讶, 因为中国的牛人都在民间

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