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RE: Steem Gamblers Association: An Epic Apology

in #apology5 years ago (edited)


I understand that no one wants to hear that 'their game is rigged'. It was wrong of you to say that and I am glad you apologized to them.
Maybe you were a little mean and got off on the bad foot, but it looks like you sincerely tried to make up.

But, in the world of internet anonymity, especially with blockchain, I think taking the default position that unlicensed unregistered online casinos are dodgy is fair. Maybe you should edit your comment that they are rigged to say

'people experienced unlucky streaks and got upset, further evidence released by epic proved these claims to be unfounded.

They released enough data to demonstrate they aren't hiding anything. They also made a post explaining how to verify it.

I checked a few I was unsure of and found nothing fishy. However, I'm no expert. I did read some sad stories though.

I can understand why they got upset at you, but they got a little too carried away much like that meme you posted. They come off looking bad.

I think SGA should stop evaluating EPIC dice, link this post and say we can't cooperate and they told us we have no authority (ie. neutral with a note saying no opinion and a link to here).

You kinda apologized but doubled down on the trash talk by calling them, criminals, that's worse than saying their game is rigged, but I guess it's just your feelings and opinions.

EPIC Dice,

The demand for an apology and issuing threats is really bad business practice in my mind.
As a business, you should really just do as Jesus does and turn the other cheek. Common customer service talk is "Thank you for your opinion, I'm sorry you feel that way, our probability is back by data, here is it if you find anything suspcious, please let us know."

No too difficult is it?

As a customer service provider, especially one based entirely on RNG or luck, you need to emphasize with your customers. People who have bad luck are going to be upset and say irrational things. Instead of becoming irrational and gangsterlike yourself, you should defuse the situation.

I don't know why you would threaten, belittle or tease anyone. You are pretending you are better, so act better not worse. Two wrongs don't make a right.

I mean you could have asked politely to either find some evidence or edit/change the posts.

From what I know @fairbet is trying to set up a Steem Gamblers Association. It's not a casino or house association, so I think it's fair to give the players the benefit of the doubt. From what I saw, lots of people said they had epic bad luck streaks on EPICDice, including myself

EPICDice, you can disavow everyone all they want, but really denying authority takes authority and you don't have authority either, the blockchain is decentralized.

Further the blockchain is forever. We will be able to search this for as long as Steem is around.

Neither of you look good, but I would expect more from a casino that has raked in 10000s of Steem and runs a business for several months vs a brand new account run by a cat trying to bring some transparency to online betting sites on Steem.

I think Epic Dice should move on. You got your apology, but I bet you feel pretty low reading this post and the comments.

Honetly, pursuing this makes you look immature. You aren't going to win the Internet, especially as a casino, so why bother? For the good name of unlicensed casinos everywhere?

I dont think anyone is being a criminal here, let's be serious this is the Internet kids.

I think you are both best described as douchebags.

People can think what they want.


I'm just bitter because they offended me. I will leave them out of my future posts and never gamble there again because I cannot support such people as it could make me an accomplice. Good people don't talk like that to customers.

For whatever reason, I should not let the ego get the best of me. I hereby sincerely apologize for what I've been making you feel bad. Gotta say this for a better sleep tonight. (I speak for myself on this one, nothing to do with the house here, feel free to retain what you have decided to do.)

Apology accepted.

Posted using Partiko Android

The only things that should be bitter are coffee and medicine.

Forgive, forget, and be at peace.

Posted using Partiko Android

Big thumbs up for the most sensible words I've seen in this crazy internet, as an Internet kid(I agreed that.)

From what I know @fairbet is trying to set up a Steem Gamblers Association.

Maybe before judging the "threat" by the house, you should give it a read who threw the threat first as a fair association? We had multiple conversation with the offender probably in softer and gentler tone convincing that the system had no way to mess with fairness(there were chatting history, but what's the point now?). Yet we keep receiving information that such behaviour has no sign of stopping until it escalated to be an accusation from a public association. It left us no choice but to do what we had to do.

The offender can do nothing upon the house request but what can the house do? Besides announcing the house do not approve any information provided by the offender(denying authority), I'd couldn't think of other ways to deal with it. Flag their post? The VP could be spent in better way. Blacklist the offender to the platform? Unless he spam invalid bets. Denying his token stake? That would be the most serious crime in blockchain space. I don't see how the house taking the minimal steps in protecting the brand, is wrong.

Also, each account on Steem is as real as it is. The house don't need a license to protect its name. Just like everyone of us do not need to show our IC to protect our own interest here. What happens in blockchain, deal it in blockchain. Obviously the house is not going to sue the offender should he failed to apologize. So what's the point of biting on the anonymity? He can even take back the apology(not even sure if I can call that a sincere apology) if he doesn't mean that at all. After all, anyone is free on this decentralized space. But as you said, the trace is here forever for people to judge.

Sure, there are always better way to deal with this I'd give you that. No one is benefited from this drama. We aren't trying to start a war and dominate the world, we just can't stand what we were accused of, without a solid proof whatsoever. I believe given the same circumstance the house would do the same again. And moving on is definitely the best thing to do now.

Well said @abitcoinskeptic, damn well said. This crazy Internet needs more sane folks like you.

It left us no choice but to do what we had to do.
Like a cat in a corner 😼

Posted using Partiko Android

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