
I know exactly whet you mean in your beginning bit where you said about just wanting to lie down and listen. Some books are difficult to read just because of the text can be quite small like one I'm reading now and it takes a lot of focus as it's already quite scientific and in depth!

Good work on these reviews and maybe I'll start downloading audio books as well.

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I find it only works with some books. Quite often it's even put me to sleep. I don't mind, I just try and remember to make note of the location when I'm getting sleepy so I can find it after without trouble.
Textbooks don't tend to make good audiobooks, unfortunately. Gotta stick to books without essential tables, figures and diagrams. Fortunately, most ebooks allow you to adjust the size. I don't find it helps when I'm losing focus, I just pick something easier to read or do something else.

Wow. Amazing. Must share for the shear diligence you have, and for the audio book site! Thank you @abitcoinskeptic ! Well done!

Wow this is amazing! I love to read. You review surely make me want to read all least one of the books you featured. I usually don't read a lot in English so it would be awesome, Deathworld sounds really good. It's in my reading list now. Thank you!

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Deathworld was definitely the easiest and most storybook like on my list this month. The themes are related to survival and cooperataion. Sometimes I do read easier English books because a lot of my friends read at grade school level amd we will hav more to talk about. A lot of these books are probably translated to Spanish as well.

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I like that kind of lecture :3 and even more if it is to be read in another language, surely they are in Spanish too, but why not try something different eh? XD
Is really cool when you can talk with your friends about the books you have traded :D

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Stream of consciousness writing has to be the most difficult genre to read and you are brave having chosen Ulyses. Or any Joyce for that matter. I have a degree in literature and I have eschewed him. We had one novel in that genre in our final year, Saul Bellow's Herzog. My ex (we were students together) loved it. I could never finish it. I made a conscious decision to simply avoid it which meant that come exam time, I had to simply choose another question if it came up. I don't recall if it did.

Conrad - well there's another difficult one. His other classic, often studied is Lord Jim. Have no idea what it's like.

If, however, you enjoyedAgricola and could see the parellels with Brexit, you might enjoy Aldous Huxley's A Brave New World</> - science fiction for the time, but I think startlingly prophetic.

If you do read it, let me know what you think?


Well, I went with Brave New World. You have best recommendations. Give me a moment while I go get you a share of SBI.

I've definitely been able to tolerate and even enjoy small bits and pieces of stream of consciousness writing. I've never read any of Saul Bellow's work and I think I will avoid that for now.
I've never actually studied modern literature, but I have people in the family who have. I won't dare mention to them that I tried reading Joyce.

When it comes to Agricola and the parallels I made with Brexit, in that case, it is easy because they are dealing with how much continental influence is good for them again. In general, I disagree with the adage that history often repeats itself. That's kinda true if you disagree with the outcome of the event, it's more like humans even 2000+ years ago thought silimarly. Many aspects of society and humanity have changed less than we imagined. We just react similarly to similar events. The more I read ancient literature, the more obvious it seems.

I'm actually reading a never explored genre right now. I'll probably blog about it after, but if you want a heads up it's a feminist sci-fi utopian novel called Herland, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. I'm no expert on feminism or feminist writers, but I did just read her bio and she had some very interesting mentors and role models while growing up.

Huxley's genre I like a lot. I read brave new world some time ago, possibly in school.
I think I will read it again now that you mention it. I found a copy, but for some reason, it is prefaced with a children's TV Show themes ong.

OMG! OMW! you know, in writing that comment, it never entered my head that I was entering a contest! I really am a bit of a dunce sometimes! Thank you @abitccoinskeptic, I am glad you chose Huxley. I should really go back and re-read it. It's one of the books that made an indellible impression on my then very young mind. Thanks again!

I commute but honestly read a kindle because I like to be aware of my surroundings. Having said that, I can see people using audiobooks, so there must be a redeeming factor in there somewhere.

My sister-in-law loves them. I'm not sure why I don't, but, I will say that I have never tried them. Just the idea doesn't appeal to me. So, I need to stop judging before I try it. Heh.

Oh, the horror!! Heart of Darkness was not something I intended on reading but happened onto it. It was a surprise to me that I enjoyed and intend to put it into rotation of books I will read again. I am glad I did not go wrong on that one.

And as far as Ulysses and James Joyce. I read it in school only because we had to and I can tell you it was a snoozer. I never finished it and did cliff notes to study for the test. I can figure out if I was lazy or it was that bad, but, I have no driving force to pick it up again.

The other book, Agricola - Publius Cornelius Tacitus I haven't read, but, may give it a try as you seemed to like it. I love book recommendations!

I do remember why I never listen to audiobooks! It was the voice of the people. It would put me to sleep, I am sure of it! I hear it on the internet and think... no way! Maybe I will have to actually try the book and blame you if I like it! :)

Thanks for the reviews! They are always appreciated when they are so thorough! Have a great day!


I get your point about the voices of readers for audiobooks. Some of them are definitely no good. Also, I constantly fall asleep while listening to them unless I'm being active.
Generally, the paid readers who do Audible are better than free volunteers. I find speeding it up can help. Some times I am aware of my surroundings if my eyes are open. But definitely, eyes closed headphones on can be dodgy on some trains.

Agricola is nice and short. I like a lot of the old stuff written by the Romans. I really wish I could read Latin, but studying that is probably worse than reading Joyce.
I'm thinking of separating my reviews, especially when I read a book that really makes me think, actually come to think of it, most of them make me think.

Thanks for your opinions. I knew I would get someone else who read Heart of Darkness. In my opinion, the theme has been overdone now, but it's still a good one.

I thought about using audio books and at times is a great choice.
However, I need to keep with the written word to continue to learn syntax. I am in learning mode.

Beautiful well-done post @abitcoinskeptic

Audio books develop listening skills you will just never develop while reading. Stick to a level of literature lower than you would with regular reading. You can also lower or increase the speeds or just go with audiobooks for a review or second reading.

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Sounds like a good idea thanks for the suggestions.

🎁 Hi @abitcoinskeptic! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

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Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

These are great reviews! I haven't listened to an audiobook in years! But you have me thinking that I should try them again!

I used to read ebooks , still do sometimes. Even the occasional paperbook, but nowadays, I just like audiobooks.

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I haven't read a book in such a long time, but an audiobook would be interesting to listen to. Thank you for the reviews. 👍

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I don't want to pretend I will inspire anyone to read. But if you like podcasts or listening to stories on the radio, you may like ebooks. Start short, easy and free. Nothing to lose but your mind.
Thank you for resteem. I really like your profile description, pic and name.

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Thank you, free is my middle name. 😁

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Wow, quite the varied collection of reading/listening material! Hubby enjoys audio books, and our eldest just downloaded Audible, but I've never given them a fair shake. Definitely going to take a peek at LibriVox - thanks for the info! Also...


Thank you for the nice .gif
Audible is good for the newer stuff. I have a subscription, but I try to keep this free to avoid discouraging people. Also so many classics and many I am reading again so I am already familar, there is a ton of info online, and I get a different perspective or even learn how to pronounce if there are a lot of weird nonsensical words.

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