A New Temple - Baiyun Temple (Original) 一座新建寺庙

in #temple8 years ago

Baiyun Temple is located in Jiangxi Xiushui County Shenling, which is a new temple, held the opening ceremony, many local people come to visit, go the temple incense, this is a belief,Shenling is a very good scenic area, where the sea of clouds is very beautiful, only 300 meters high altitude, but often can see beautiful cloud, which and the local natural environment has a great relationship, Shenling is about to become well-known scenic spots , Where the fresh air, the four seasons have flowers and fruit, migratory birds, cherry, peach, rape, pear, osmanthus, camellia, chrysanthemum, maple, plum, God Ridge will become a favorite place for photography enthusiasts

白云禅寺位于江西修水县神岭,这是一座新建的寺庙,举行开光大典仪式,当地许多民众前来参观祈福,去寺庙烧香其实这是一种信仰,神岭是一个非常不错的风景区,这里的云海非常漂亮,海拨只有300米高,却经常出现很大的云雾, 这和当地的自然环境有很大的关系,神岭即将成为出名的景区,这里空气清新,四季有花有果,候鸟成群,樱花、桃花、油菜花、梨花、桂花、山茶花、菊花、枫叶、梅花、 神岭将会成为摄影爱好者最喜欢的地方

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