What happens when you send $488.641 SBD to @booster?

in #booster7 years ago (edited)

I think this is my karma for 'excessive' use of bid-bots, and writing a post regarding them yesterday...


So I check for a quiet looking @booster wallet this morning (I find it's usually quiet around 10/11am CET) and it's looking pretty good. Sending $10 is a big thing, but @bellyrub has just given me a $14 (ish) vote so that's all good - good for a reputation boost and perhaps a $1 or 2 'profit' on the amount sent.

Off goes my $10, and off I go to read/comment/reply/up-vote and send some @lovejuice to posts I like the look of today. A little later, I've opened a beer (cause it's saturday!) and think i'll just check in on the @booster wallet to see what's happening, and what do I see?



What the @#$% dude!

So I'm assuming this vote is going to command most of @booster's vote this round, but as @booster has a max vote of around $80, surely he's wasted a fat chunk of cash here? Lets see...

Picking things up at 45 minutes, he's already had more attention on this post than many previous efforts. (It's a nice poem I must admit!)


Close to the hour, more interest - in the wonderful poem :)


An hour has passed, and it's time for that @booster vote...


BOOM @booster has landed!


Hang on a second.....

$70.75 - $5.30 is $65.45

65.45 * .75 (rewards slice %) is $49.08

So for a vote of $488.641, the financial reward is $49.08


Check your sums before sending $$$ to the Bid-bots!

Check the wallet of the Bit-bots before you send (in case some crazy fool has thrown $500 at one!)

I have some ball-park numbers in this post

My $10 sent to @booster today was a total waste, a $1 vote because of this crazy fool!

Karma police got me :D

Maybe @booster could be nice and give him a small refund, or give the 'unlucky' punters in this round a vote?!



Have a good weekend all!



This is insane. Why would you send that much? It's not even necessary.

Just goes to show, a fool and his money are soon parted.

Yes, an accident for him! A lesson in being careful in sending via your wallet!

I think he got a lot of steem dollar to spend. I wish He truly learn his lesson.

That's really a very crazy fool! He made in on purpose or it was an error! Anyway money lost already!

No idea what he's playing at but it kept me entertained this morning!

I just checked his wallet...man all his hard earned SBD is gone! Only 0.001 left! Sad Saturday for him...well now we don't know what he was playing as you said!

Yes, he spent his whole wallet on @booster and it's not looking like he's a millionaire - what a crazy move!

Its purposely i think never error

The crypto world is harsh and you learn the hard way. For too many years we have been coddled with the ease of this and that and now its time to learn to take care of oneself.

Yes, a harsh lesson!

Lesson? harsh? I remember when you had to actually trade and read charts to make money not just throw around some steem at a bidbot at just the right time. ;)

I'll make you a warm drink by the fire and you can tell me about these old tales you have 😁

OMG the poor guy. That was tough. You better double check first!

Always check! I don't think he's getting a refund!

ahahaha! You gotta be careful with these bid bots!

Yes! This guy killed it for all of us, and himself!

Another reason why I am not doing this..... :3

he he - perfect timing to get a really bad vote! :p

Yes but the poem was nice at least! :D

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haha nice. Yep, sadly it was an accident - he's asking for a refund...

Good lesson for us too ! Thanks for sharing !!

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