Rain and Shine

in #life5 years ago (edited)

You'll have to tell me if you are getting bored of images of the sea, otherwise I'll keep presenting most of the 'life/blog' posts with what I find myself staring at the most at present.



Although today, I've spent a lot of time checking in on worldcoinindex to see how Bitcoin and the alts have been faring and as I write, Bitshares currently looks like this:

I'm a bit confused though, as the markets on the right of the screen show nothing close to that number:


Oh, this one exchange looks to be the reason for the inflated average price:

Last month I 'staked' some Bitshares to be rained on with BEOS tokens and thanks to the link below, there is now a little more information on things like the total supply of Bitshares involved, and how long the rainfall has remaining.


Looks at the chart on the link above, it seems that in recent hours, quite a large chunk of BTS was moved over to join in on the rainfall - something like .8% of the whole supply of BTS. The total supply of BTS involved in the rainfall is now 12.7% and actually I'm a little surprised it's not higher. What else are people doing with their BTS at present? Trading perhaps.

I'll likely leave mine where they are for the 55 days that remain, and see where we are when this (1st?) rainfall is complete. At present, there is seemingly little idea on what will be the opening/early values of BEOS, but if the Bitshares I'm holding are worth more than they were when I bought them, then this will seem like a win-win, for only an hour or two of head-scratching around a month ago.


Isn't doing much at present, at least compared to Bitcoin and the other 15 alts I have on watch-list. Perhaps naively, as past performance doesn't always guide the future, I'm not that surprised there is little action thus far as in late 2017, STEEM was yet to make it's move while other coins had 4/5/10/pick a number multiplied in value.

Honestly, I could do with STEEM moving a little (ok 3x at least) in value sooner rather than later as I'm powering a weeks worth of 'hard-earned' SP again at present. It is a bit depressing I have to say, especially when you listen to the likes of @exyle and @tarazkp speak so bullishly about Steem and Steem Power. Needs must I'm afraid while I look for other income sources.

Buyers: You are welcome for my 'cheap' STEEM :P

General direction/Job

Round in circles? In my mind at least, which does have a habit of getting the better of me from time to time.

The the day I accepted an olive branch offer to work back at the bar I left (for a good reason or two) late last year. But today I have had a change of heart and let the owner know that I'm now not going to accept the offer. I've spoken to the people here and there was not one who was positive about the decision to return. I'll not go into the details as what's true or otherwise is unclear - what is clear though is that there is a risk involved, and it's just not worth the stress to get caught up in whatever is going on.

Although when I spoke about the options the other day and returning to the UK was the option I desired the least, I now think that it might be the best short/medium term decision.

I have friends there, people I trust, and of course my daughter is there, growing up fast. I know she will be pretty happy if I spent some more years close by, even if it's not forever. And let's face it, she is unlikely to be at home come 18/19 - university/boys will probably see to that - if past history again repeats.

So that's me, I have Game of Thrones to watch now, the weather is improving by the day, and it's my Mothers 70th birthday in a few weeks time. The latter could be the signal that time is up here for now, and a new 'adventure' be on the cards.


Thanks for reading, enjoy your day.



I feel quite desperate to see the steem price pegged to the low thirties while btc grew from 4,800 to 7,400 in a month. Really hoping for the bull arrival any moment now.

Good to hear you're going to the UK, I hope you get to see your daughter more often man.

I'm preparing a full rant about GoT soon, good luck with this episode and if you want to discuss it I'm up for it.

Yeah the price needs to get a shift on - I'm still hopeful it will, but when, who knows.

UK for now, as said below Spain will always be there.

I enjoyed that episode, shit went down!

Good old GoT. It makes everything better. I watched it this morning.

If it's the best thing is the best thing and there are all those plus points. Spain will always be there :0)

GOT has been cheering me up, but only 1 more to go! Dragon woman final went crazy, like all them Targaryen's seem to do!

Spain will always be there, it's time to buckle up and get some real shit done.

That's the problem with shit, it always needs done.

It was pretty awesome eh. Last one will be a cracker!

They just make me wish I went to the beach more often! Not sure how people would get tired of such a view.

It's ever changing, a good place to gaze.

The whole BEOS situation to me was a no brainer. Coming back from 92 cents to now nearly nothing and still with the ridiculous features of 20 second block time I still think BTS will get their piece of the pie in the end. And while I had no intentions trading it, currently it is raining guns and roses style (or nottingham and switzerland style) and we can only wait and see what this will have in store for us. Who knows! I have good hopes, but the rain will slow down now more people are involved. No worries, got plenty there already.

Go for it dude up North? PS is Nottingham close to Edinbrough...I will there in two weeks!

Yeah I felt it was certainly worth a go if you could lock up some stake for 3 months. We'll i've been doing that here for 1001 days so I think I'm good to wait a little :)

Hopefully we'll get back at least the cost of the account creation - that would be a bummer to not get that returned at least. I noticed the rain was coming down less hard, but it's not fallen that much since the start it seems and so I still expect to come out with around 80,000 BEOS. At 2 cents, that's still 1600$ - fingers crossed :D

About 5 hours on the train from Nottingham to Edinburgh. Have a nice trip!

Our heads are round so that thoughts can change direction.

Ever heard about that? :-)

Sounds like you'll be following your heart, and that's often the very best choice.

Now STEEM seems to be quite settled down there. Cuba Libre could help to get those tokens dancing, what do you think? :-))

All the best for that new endeavor, Ash!

Thank you Marly! :D Yes my heart leads back to the UK, that is hopefully the right option at this point in time.

A Cuba Libre or two always works well for a little dancing, or a lot depending on how your legs feel! :D :D

Great thought process and I think you too will appreciate the time closer to your daughter when the time comes! Not sure about GoT episode though... it was more mentally exhausting that exciting I think; then to have to come to the office today!

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I think so too, thanks for reading an confirming I'm not completely mad :)

GOT was a good one I think, if not a bit mentally tiring!

We'd love to have you back in the UK @abh12345 and it really isn't all doom and gloom. As you say you're daughter is here and fast growing up. That's a huge plus for coming back I think.

And you missed a really fun SteemcampUK this weekend so there are all the meetups to think about too.

And it was beautifully sunny and warm again today. At least in my neck of the woods.

Not going back to that bar from last year seems like a very smart move too! 😍

Hopefully I'll be able to see more Steemians in time if I'm over there, although my budget until I find work will be super tight.

I'll be in Nottingham to start, my Daughter close by so hopefully I'll get some time with her to 'make up' for what we've missed.

Glad to hear it's warming up over there, fingers crossed for a good summer!

Where does your mother live? Close by? maybe a sit down with her, explain how you feel, see what she thinks of your options, I know when we get older and in our "we should be able to do this on our own phase", it is sometimes hard to talk to a parent about options. She knows you, and may have some ideas you have not thought of. Otherwise when in a coin toss situation of damned if you do or damned if you don't, stand the coin on edge and ease around it. In the end we do seem to make the choice that was ultimately the right choice.

Close by yes, and we've spoken a fair bit about things. You can't retire yet, she told me, and that is true :)

and a new 'adventure' be on the cards.

Sounds like a decent change to me. Who doesn't like adventure?

Adventure like riding fire-breathing dragons, or sitting behind a desk? :D

Ok i'll be positive, think of all the STEEM I can buy!

i hope you will be earning in BTC :D

Too soon, but at some point before we retire I expect so :)

keep plugging away for another 50 years...

A change will do you some good. I heard United are overhauling their team so there may be some hope. Everything will come right very soon as Steem is just too good not to come right.

Yes I think so. And is that hope I might get a game for Man U? :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63330.55
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.82