Happy Birthday Mum

in #breathe5 years ago (edited)

Well it's a birthday at least, but today we are back at the A&E unit via the clinic for some more tests.

This morning was the first time in a while that I've woken up in the same house as my mother and therefore had the opportunity to make her a brew and some breakfast. Delivered in bed with a birthday card too - a good start to the day.

Since then though things have gone a bit pear-shaped as currently I'm sat in A&E whilst mum has an ECG and some blood tests. She's been short of breath since I arrived on Wednesday and today it is sounding like she's walked up 100 steps. Mum has never smoked and her lungs should be in decent shape.

Since the heart attack her meds have changed, and I'm looking at this Beta-blocker called Brilique, more specifically, the side effects of the drug. Apparently, shortness of breath is very common, at least for the first couple of weeks. And by the looks of it, simply stopping the course could actually make things worse in the arteries. I'm not a doctor though and so we will wait and see what the experts say.

Off the record

I find the amount of medication docs are willing to push out to patients, some of those tablets taken as a counter to balance side effects from other tablets, fucking ridiculous.

Pill towers - have you seen those?

7 boxes split into 6 hour slots, and each slot overflowing with pills of different shapes and sizes. Makes me sad.

Well the ECG has come back fine and so it's onto the blood tests. Hopefully they'll show nothing untoward or at least contain clues on the shortness of breath.

I'm getting a little hungry over here, I wonder what is for birthday lunch.


This is where the photo of the vending machine should be but the signal here is so bad, the photo won't upload. Need to save some battery to call a ride home.

Happy Birthday mum, can we go somewhere else next year?!


It's now over 9 hours since we arrived at the A&E unit. 2 sets of blood tests, an ECG, a chest x-ray, and lots of chocolate bars (for me) later, it is time to go home.

Tomorrow - Birthday tomorrow..


Hey, @abh12345.

I keep running into situations, some closer to home than others, where someone taking so many pills ends up with things they didn't have to begin with, simply because of what you describe: a bunch of pills to supposedly tackle the actual problem(s), then a bunch of more pills to mitigate the side effects, which tend to have their own side effects when taken all together.

So, not a big fan. Especially since it sounds like the shortness of breath (non-doctor's opinion of course) is being caused by Brilique, because it says that on the label!

I do hope your mother has a turn for the better here very soon. It's a bummer having a birthday like this, but maybe a slightly belated birthday present would be for her to feel better within the next couple of days. :)

Thanks for the message Glen. I'm pretty sure it is the Brilique shortening breath, it's just frustrating to me that one tablet that is supposed to help is causing discomfort elsewhere. My mother is still not out of the hospital today as they are likely covering themselves if things get worse and they have discharged her too soon.

Hopefully we can restart the birthday day tomorrow, thank you.

I found out a few hours ago that my mother is back in the hospital (she's been in a center for physical therapy and convalescence the for several months. She's apparently not doing so well. So, it's probably a good thing to keep your mother a while longer.

Hi Glen! I'm so sorry to hear about your mom 😞

Hey, @lynncoyle1.

It's nice to hear from you, even given the circumstances, so thank you.

I'm waiting to hear more. I talked to my Dad again last night and he seemed a little better than earlier, so it gave me some hope that maybe she'll respond to what they're doing for her. I guess she has a few days now where she hasn't woken up, and her heart rate has been dropping. I haven't been happy with the place she's been staying in, and my Dad doesn't seem to be able to get her more attention.

While she's been there for a while, this downturn is still a shock, because she was doing better for a while. It sounds like she has a similar infection to the one that put her into the hospital about a month ago, but she's supposedly beyond where she was at last time. So I don't know. Basically waiting to find out, with the intent to go visit tomorrow.

I'm so sorry to hear about all of that! I hope you get some answers... it's very difficult watching our parents age!

... and nice to see you too😊

My wife and I went to the hospital yesterday to see her, and she's quite a bit different than the last time I'd seen her. It's been a while, and I think the last few months of being in the nursing facility has actually worn her out more. She didn't move anything but her head and mouth while we were there. They had her arms under the blankets so I don't even know if she can still move those.

She was awake the entire time, but she seemed to wander off somewhere, and then for a minute or two she would be lucid, and then she would kind of stumble with some words and then drop off all together. Obviously hard to hold a conversation like that.

So, I don't know. I'm hoping to hear more, but it's not what I hoped to see when I got there.

awww Glen, I'm so sorry to hear that. It's obviously not what you want to see your mom go through. Sending hugs your way :)

I'm sorry to hear that Glen, troubling times all around. We spent a good 8 hours at the unit yesterday, and today looks a little brighter. Wishing your mother well.

Aww, it's so difficult when are parents aren't so strong and virile anymore. As for the meds, ugh! I get so frustrated about the loads of medicines given to older people and the complicated side effect. I hope the tests come out okay, Happy birthday to her and you are so kind to be with her. Enjoy the day

The tests have come out fine, thank you :) I think the unit are covering themselves and making sure they do not release an at risk patient. It's been a long day. Thank you for the message.

Wishing her a quick recovery! Enjoy the company and don’t stop helping every minute you can!

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Happy Birthday Mum. I mean Asher's mum.

Happy Birthday mum, can we go somewhere else next year?!

Some traditions are not worth keeping.


Yeah, i know you know what these buildings feel like. I'm not a fan, and would much rather celebrate elsewhere.

Cheers I hope rest of the day goes great!

They just about got a pill for everything these days. At some point you just got say duck this I’m living my life without all this nonsense. Take her to an outdoor water park! Twice as fun might not be best thing for an elder persons health.

Thanks man. Today the outdoor water park would have been the best bet I think. Next time :)

Happy Birthday!

Mum says thanks! :D

The pill boxes are mental. My mum has a mountain to take each day and feels miserable on them. Then again the other option is not good..

I hope they get to the bottom of it and the birthday celebrations can begin proper. How you finding blighty?

Your vending machine is much better than the ones we have, all baked crisps n shit!

I understand some meds do a job, but the mountain each day must be daunting and I'm thinking most towers could be reduced somehow.

It's rained a lot here already, barely seen the sunshine - typical Pennines bullshit!

That vending machine was keeping me entertained yesterday and was the only source of food on site - where we were for about 8.5 hours! 🤦🏻‍♂️

Ooft man, the time spent there is always ridiculous. I totally agree, they should surely look to combine done suggest or even work out a different way.

It has been a bad couple of weeks. Apparently... It's meant to improve at the end of this week!!

First happy birthday to that beautiful soul, your mum. And i wish her many many more. And on to the sadder news...of course i will send all our healing, healthy vibrations your mom's way and I will focus on her getting better. However, I agree with you on the pill situation. And if these are the cause, the only course of correction may be removing them from the eqaution.(either through slow stopping process or switching to somehing different.) Pills pills and more pills...the solution to every issue....including(as you said) fixing or alleviating side affects from other pills. How did we ever get to this point? Please give your mum a hug for us and let her know we all love her and are thinking of her. Hopefully your next update will be on a positive note pertaining to her recovery and return to healthy status. I love you brother and try to keep your head up. 🤗🤗 ...hugs for you and mum.

Thank you John for this lovely message and the advice within.

I suspect there will be a switch of meds or dose in the coming days, but we will have to see how things progress.

Enjoy your weekend and take care 😊

I really hope she starts to feel better, and one thing anyone on any medication needs to really do is to read the side effects of that med, then any new medications that doctors prescribe. The doctors do not always know what pills will cause what effect when combined with each other.

At least she has her son there, and that is likely a present she was looking forward to. Maybe she will feel a lot better and you can take her out to a nice Sunday Afternoon brunch.

The docs seemed unaware and poo-poo'ed Brilique as causing this side-effect, even though it is first up on the list and 'very common'. Combinations must make the job even more difficult.

Saturday or Sunday we are going out for lunch somewhere, thank you :)

I check all the lables anymore after a doctor gave me one that said may cause kidney damage and other Quote side effect was may cause sudden death. diabetes has a tendency to harm your internals especially kidneys, so I do not take any pill that may cause kidney damage. Get used to reading them labels, doctors don't.

Being a common side effect, if she can deal with it, with out serious problems, that would be best. If it does not clear up, get the doctors to change to a different equivalent medication if there is one available.

It took awhile for them to find the right dose and type dose for my diabetes control meds, but it seems to be helping lower the numbers now, without the crippling side effects.

I hope you are both able to get out this weekend even if for only a short while, and I hope it is a nice day, and not the standard grey drizzle.

Grey drizzle is here, but fortunately today has starters much better.

Thanks for the advice on monitoring and potentially switching meds. It's tricky as there are a few new ones she's started all at once - not ideal when you are trying to sus the one (or group) causing the side-effects. Where's the science dammit!

Have a good weekend yourself.


Happy Birthday!

Hope for a better birthday next year..

Thank you :)

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