Can you be a drug lord and have a full time job in IT?

in #drugwars6 years ago (edited)

I could be about to find out if this is possible in the next week or two - Sub-contract the IT work perhaps? 😃

Image from here, crap citing job today.

Yesterday afternoon I had an interview over the phone for a job in Valencia, Spain. The interview was planned to be held over Skype but the technology beat the humans again and after 12 minutes of starring at the screen waiting for signal, my phone lit up and I learned there was to be no online meeting. Not such a bad thing really, although I had done my hair, had a shave, and put a shirt on especially. The upside is that they couldn't see me checking notes I'd made prior to the call, and my confused look when posed some of the questions asked.

Overall I think it went OK, especially considering I don't have all the 'desired skills', and have not been in employment for around 18 months. The sector moves pretty quickly and there is always a worry of becoming out-dated when you are not involved in the tech for a while, but I could at least state that being around the Steem blockchain has allowed me to keep my eye in with regards to SQL - Writing blogs, playing with monster cards, and producing drugs unlikely to go down as positives I would assume.

Hopefully I'll hear back within the next week, and if the news is good, there is a fair chance I'll be back behind a desk in the next two to three weeks. If not, then it's very likely I will be heading back to the UK to find something there. During this current round of job-seeking, it seems that not being based in the UK is not in my favor. I have stated to a number of recruiters that I would be OK to travel over for interviews, but it seems they are less keen to organise them. Anyway, fingers-crossed that I get to stay in the sunshine, snaffle some fiat, and hopefully still have time to Steem.

On the chain is where I've spent much of my time over the past year and a half, probably too much time if I'm honest, but I suspect a lot of you could say the same. There's just a lot going on! Check your feed, vote some stuff, write a blog, spy on things at the back-end, review utopian-io contributions, play monster cards, attend radio shows, etc, etc, and now, produce drugs and get paid for the privilege.

If you have just landed on planet earth (no, we have not mooned yet), this is the link to the game, which as I write is currently down 'for maintenance'.!/ref/@abh12345

Well, it could be the reason the game is unavailable right now, but I suspect that there are other reasons. e.g. Server unable to cope with the number of clicks and transactions taking place. I thought the game would be popular, and perhaps it was released to the public a little early. The 'issue' was though that people were finding the game, and the referral posts were starting to appear. The @drugwars daily payout post a small clue.

Since release, and probably the month prior, I hear the developers are currently consuming some of the wares to stay awake 20 hours a day in order to man the discord, which is full of bug spots, suggestions, and requests to find lost troops who have been frequently disappearing with stolen goods. I have suggested that a new building, the Strip-joint is added to give the gang members more reason to return. The higher it is leveled up, the hotter the ladies and better chance that gang members return to base, instead of disappearing on a big boat to the tropics.

Since release, I have read a couple of posts offering suggestions and a post with script to automate some of the game-play. I would like to suggest that to make the game successful, making scripts as useless as possible needs to be a thing.

Limiting the number of attacks, and the number of times one can be attacked each day seems worth considering. These 'cool-down' features are present on the likes of Clash of Clans and Boom Beach and I think they would be good to have included into Drugwars. At present, the biggest army could (programmatically) nuke each player, and repeat the process. That doesn't sound like much fun to me.

As far as gifting resources, which I saw as a possible suggestion earlier today, I'm not sure this would be a good addition as I think it would give rise to mass alternate account creation and the ability to feed a main account. One person, many accounts is a given, but i think making it as pointless as possible to do so could work best for longevity and fairness. It's not my game though, and these are just my own thoughts.

Good luck to @hightouch and the other developer, I hope you can get a good rest at some point soon!

And good luck to me, the Steem dream potentially put on hold for another year or two. Hopefully this will give me chance to load up on Crypto near lows, ready for the next surge on Bitcoins quest to be worth hundreds and thousands of dollars - STEEM to double digits would be nice too.




Suddenly today, I have read so many posts on al the drug deals happening here on the SteemVerse
And some of your suggestions... LOL
Hey, all the best with the interview

Why are they funny? :P ohh, you mean the Strip-joint one :D

Thank you!

Cool post!
Good luck and happy growing! ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks! Are you playing also?

Of course ;) but cant find myself on the leaderboards^^

Posted using Partiko Android

Then you are not 'top 20 most addicted' as yet :D

But you can also filter by Level and some lvl 7 are shown but Im not..
And Im lvl 8^^

Posted using Partiko Android

I started out really bad in drugwars... didn't see the resources tab and so I didn't level up the production, and now I'm out of resources... goddamn, this is what I get for saying "screw the tutorial"

I still need to check out the game better, but from what I've seen so far it's very pay2win, with a sort of pyramid scheme reward pool that, once the hype dies down it's going to provide almost nothing to the players, especially the new ones... But let's see, I might be mistaken, and like I said I haven't tried and played the game enough to know all the ins and outs of it...

I didn't notice them either for a little while and was just leveling up the HQ and the buildings on that tab. Doh!

I think your concerns are fair and shared by many. It's early days though, and so let's see what they can come up with to keep the game enjoyable for all account sizes.

Good luck. Hope you could use your polished looks for something else.

I'm too old for that line of work, or am I? :D

What flavor Ramen you got today? Just had a look at the what's on the menu for me tonight, and it's looking a lot like Tuna+Pasta, again!

And thanks! :D

Today I celebrated and had a curry :-)

Paid for by recent drug smuggling activities, nice!

Not had a curry for a while, but will be indulging once I start earning fiat again. To order one would cost about 40 STEEM at present - not quite on the same page as 10000 Bitcoins for 2 pizzas though :D

Not yet.... Hopfully

Posted using Partiko Android

:D Hope you get the job (and you'll be unable to vest your drugs so I can rob you all day)! Wh000p!!!

haha, thanks, i think! :P

Limiting the number of attacks, and the number of times one can be attacked each day seems worth considering.

That's true.

I also found a lot of bugs, some of my drugs dissapeared but a building is not upgrading, I won a battle and received nothing and so on! Let's hope they will solve it all as soon as possible!

Yeah the game is far from bug-free at present, only 2 devs too and they need to sleep :D

I think the community have been fairly reasonable so far - not going mad at lost resources and stuff. Hopefully as each day passes, the game will get more solid, and they implement some of my suggestions! :D


I've been telling people for years my involvement in crypto was not related nefarious activates. Guess my cover is blown!

Whoops! Cover totally blown. And were all talking about drugs on the blockchain too. It's only a game, honest!

HAH! I just joined THE Cartel yesterday. I mean, if you want to be drug lord, you might as well join La Familia. Safety in numbers :) Anyway, ready to go, even used your link, only to find out the site wouldn't load for me. Boohoo... I guess now I have to wait a bit longer to unload my mules and cut up that white horse.
Maybe a good thing, because I actually have a lot of things to do. Like send off some CV's and try to get another crypto cafe going here.

Hey, good luck with the job thingies...I hope you get hired in Valencia, I wouldn't want you to get cold. On the other hand, if you're in the UK, a London meetup seems within grasp for us both :)

Yeah they had major issues yesterday, but the game seems to be functioning better today. And yes, if you are short on time and have important things to do, I would hold off logging in for now! Thanks for trying with my referral though :)

And thanks for the wishes towards a new job. Valencia is actually very cheap to travel to/from the UK, and so it could be a possibility for me to attend a meetup over there. First though, I have to get the job and save some fiat - the cupboards are totally bare!

Youll probably be taking a few breaks to "get your fix" and check in on your mobile :P


I'll need an extra power-pack charger thing for the phone. Steemmonsters is pretty heavy on the battery but from what I've seen happen to my device so far, Drugwars is resource monster!

HAHA - havent got into Steem monsters yet, but now I have Drug wars I think it will be enough for me for now :)

I wish i fully understood the game. Im not sure what im supposed to do, past upgrading all my things. And I wish you the best of luck with your job my dear friend!

Build, build, build!

Send drugs to the heist, and try to steal from others :) I think that when the bugs are ironed out, the next place to organise is the Help section. There are lots of posts on #drugwars at present, and the discord channel is pretty lively too with many people there asking/answering questions.

Thank you!

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