Reverse CSI 8 – Serco's Spin and Con Air Spoil on The Pentagon Lawn With Obama's Bin Laden Bridge

in #steempress6 years ago

David Hawkins, co-founder of Abel Danger, is developing 3-act CSI storyboards for scene-by-scene reverse engineering of the 9/11 attacks, allegedly executed with patented devices in the custody of Serco and its investment banker N M Rothschild & Sons Ltd., whose Con Air SWAT teams, apparently coordinated by colleagues of former Illinois Senator Barack Obama over the Federal Bridge Certification Authority network, spoliated evidence of a missile flown over the Pentagon Lawn to spin attributions to Osama bin Laden.

Images & Video for storyboard collage – CSI 8 Act 3 Scene 1

Missile Hitting the Pentagon on 911

9/11: Pentagon Lawn Mystery Crew

Obama: "I chose my friends ... The Marxist Professors"

References for storyboard – CSI 8 Act 3 Scene 1

"Digital Fires Instructor Serco – [Marine Corps Base!] Camp Pendleton, CA Uses information derived from all military disciplines (e.g., aviation, ground combat, command and control, combat service support, intelligence, and opposing forces) to determine changes in enemy capabilities, vulnerabilities, and probable courses of action."

"Serco Awarded $95 Million Patent Classification Contract with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office November 30, 2015 RESTON, VA – November 30, 2015 – Serco Inc., a provider of professional, technology, and management services, announced today the Company has been awarded a patent classification services contract with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Serco will provide initial patent classification and reclassification services to support USPTO's core mission of examining, granting, and disseminating patents and trademarks. The recompete contract has a one-year base period with four one-year option periods, and is valued at $95 million over the five-year period, if all options and award terms are exercised."

"Nortel Networks Ltd's Method for efficient management of certificate revocation lists and update information Priority date 1995-11-13 1997-12-16 US5699431A Grant Abstract A method which allows implementation of the revocation of public-key certificates facilitates engineering of certificate revocation lists (CRLs). It solves the practical problem of CRLs potentially growing to unmanageable lengths by allowing CRLs to be segmented, based on size considerations or priority considerations related to revocation reasons. The method is used to distribute CRL information to users of certificate-based public-key systems. It is also applied more generally to update any field in a certificate by reference to a secondary source of authenticated information."

"States Work with Feds for PKI Interoperability BY: Drew Robb | August 14, 2001 The 1977 epic A Bridge Too Far recaptures one of the most fruitless battles of World War II -- a costly attempt to capture six bridges that connected Holland and Germany. A major gamble from the outset, the campaign led to defeat and more Allied casualties than in the entire Normandy invasion. Fortunately, the folks at the Federal Bridge Certification Authority (FBCA) are having an easier time of it in an initiative aimed at handling some of the thornier questions in government security -- exactly who do you trust when it comes to the handing out and acceptance of digital certificates during e-Government transactions, how do states and federal agencies interoperate to make such certs usable across the government spectrum, and what will it really take to establish "digital" trust to make paperless e-government a reality? The Cast FBCA has gathered an impressive array of federal agencies, states and vendors in an effort to make the initiative a success. On the federal side, there is heavy involvement by the Department of Defense, National Security Agency, General Services Administration, Treasury and the Federal CIOs Council. From the vendor community Entrust Technologies and Baltimore Technologies are directly involved in the FBCA from the technology side, but other PKI/security vendors such as RSA, Cylink, Verisign and Spyrus are also coordinating with the project. At the state level, Illinois is working closely with the FBCA in an interoperability pilot that will probably form the basis of how states share digital certificates with federal and possibly commercial entities. "We are just in the process of developing the cross-certification agreement between FBCA and the State of Illinois CA so we have not tested any applications yet," said Brent Crossland, Deputy CIO for the State of Illinois. "Our timetable is to have the agreement in place by September along with some initial applications." According to Crossland, Washington and New Jersey are also in discussions with the FBCA."

"Barack Obama served three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004, when he was elected to the United States Senate. During this part of his career, Obama continued teaching constitutional lawpart time at the University of Chicago Law School as he had done as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996, and as a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2008.[1][2][3]"

"Meeting Riconosciuto and Gunderson at the hotel were two representatives of the mujahadeen, waiting to discuss their armament needs. One of the two was named "Ralph Olberg." The other one was called Tim Osman (or Ossman [Office of Strategic Services (OSS)!]).

"Ralph Olberg" was an American businesman who was leading the procurement of American weapons and technology on behalf of the Afghan rebels. He worked through the Afghan desk at the U.S. State Department, as well as through Senator Hubert Humphrey's office. Olberg looked after the Afghanis through a curious front called MSH - Management Sciences for Health.

The other man, dressed in Docker's clothing, was not a native Afghan any more than Olberg was. He was a 28-year-old Saudi. Tim Osman (Ossman) has recently become better known as Osama Bin Ladin. "Tim Osman" was the name assigned to him by the CIA for his tour of the U.S. and U.S. military bases, in search of political support and armaments."

"The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was a wartime intelligence agency of the United States during World War II, and a predecessor of the modern Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The OSS was formed as an agency of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)[3] to coordinate espionage activities behind enemy lines for all branches of the United States Armed Forces. Other OSS functions included the use of propaganda, subversion, and post-war planning. On December 14, 2016, the organization was collectively honored with a Congressional Gold Medal.[4]"

"Serco Receives "Supplier of the Year" from Boeing for Enterprise Architecture Expertise
We are extremely honored to receive this recognition for our work in support of Boeing. This prestigious award demonstrates our passion for excellence and ability to apply Serco’s Enterprise Architecture expertise across a broad range of applications.

Serco Inc., a provider of professional, technology, and management services to the federal government, has been recognized as Supplier of the Year by The Boeing Company in the Technology category for its state-of-the-practice Enterprise Architecture solutions.

The Boeing Supplier of the Year award is the company's premier supplier honor, presented annually to its top suppliers in recognition of their commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. This year's 16 winners represent an elite group among more than 17,525 active Boeing suppliers in nearly 52 countries around the world. This selection was based on stringent performance criteria for quality, delivery performance, cost, environmental initiatives, customer service and technical expertise. This is the second time Serco has been recognized as Supplier of the Year by Boeing. In January 2011, Serco also received the Boeing Performance Excellence Gold Award in recognition of the Company's performance excellence.

"We are extremely honored to receive this recognition for our work in support of Boeing. This prestigious award demonstrates our passion for excellence and ability to apply Serco’s Enterprise Architecture expertise across a broad range of applications,” said Ed Casey, Chairman and CEO of Serco. "We continue to grow our EA practice, and over the past 15 years we have deployed solutions to support enterprises and systems across federal and commercial environments."

Serco's Enterprise Architecture Center of Excellence is based in Colorado Springs, CO. The team provides a variety of services in support of Boeing’s business units as well as research and development efforts. Serco’s architecture employs object-oriented (OO)/Unified Modeling Language (UML) to define, design and satisfy defense agencies’ mission-critical requirements, including Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (C4I). This approach improves system developer’s understanding of operational requirements and how best to integrate enterprise operations and systems for the optimal fulfillment of C4I and other operational needs."

Boeing Co's Intervention flight management system Priority date 1986-08-15 1989-03-07 US4811230A Grant (Probably installed on a U S Marshals' Con Air Boeing 727 and the Boeing production line after conversation between Kristine Marcy and her brother Field McConnell in December 1988)

Southwest Research Institute's (SwRI) Interactive training system for AWACS weapons directors Priority date 1997-10-17 2000-04-25 US6053736A Grant Abstract A training system for training AWACS weapons directors. The training system is programmed so that the student can select between a number of different training modes. These include interactive courseware, simulation, and live exercise modes. The system includes a voice recognition unit that is trained to recognize AWACS terminology and to interactively teach them.

Darren Rubin's Biological active bullets, systems, and methods US9200877B1

Airliner irreversible-control anti-hijack system 2005-01-18 US6845302B2 Grant including ATI (automatic/tranquil-Infusion)

Howard Lutnick's Real-time interactive wagering on event outcomes CA 2460367 A.

"Jerome H. Lemelson's Prisoner tracking and warning system and corresponding methods US6054928A A system and method for tracking, monitoring and learning prisoner or parolee behavior involves obtaining prisoner or parolee data and monitoring data for at least one individual prisoner or parolee, storing the prisoner or parolee data and monitored data into a database, learning prisoner or parolee behavior from the prisoner or parolee data and the monitored data in the database, and updating the prisoner or parolee data and the monitored data in the database. Expert system (i.e. including but not limited to fuzzy logic, reinforcement learning, neural networks, artificial intelligence, etc.) algorithms are executed for determining and analyzing deviated behavior by the prisoner or parolee. A parole level is assigned to the prisoner or parolee and it is determined whether the prisoner or parolee is to be moved up or down a parole level depending on whether the prisoner or parolee behavior does not constitute or does constitute prisoner or parolee violations. Furthermore, the system tracks, monitors, and learns the behavior of the prisoner or parolee by controlling and regulating the permitted/prohibited locations or sectors, the permitted/prohibited location or sector dwell times, the permitted/prohibited travel routes, the permitted/prohibited travel times that the prisoner or parolee spends at or between various locations."

"BAE Systems PLC Proximity fuze Priority 1998-12-23 2004-12-28 US6834591B2 Grant. Abstract A proximity fuze for use in a tube launched projectile carrying a payload, comprising an oscillator for generating a radio frequency signal which has a varying frequency, a single antenna for transmitting the radio frequency signal and for receiving an echo of the radio frequency signal, a first signal processor for generating a range signal corresponding to the time delay between the transmission of the radio frequency signal and the receipt of the echo signal, second signal processor for comparing the range signal with a reference signal and depending on the result of the comparison generating an activation signal for activating the payload, wherein a directional coupler is used for coupling the radio frequency signal from the oscillator to the antenna and to the signal processor and for coupling the echo signal from the antenna to the signal processor, and wherein the second signal processor comprises a threshold detector, a peak detector and a comparator, the threshold detector being for allowing the comparator to utilise the output from the peak detector only once the range signal has reached a predetermined magnitude."

Darren Rubin's Biological active bullets, systems, and methods 2015-12-01US9200877B1 Grant A novel biological active bullet able to be discharged from a firearm, the ammunition essentially comprising a bullet in a cartridge, the bullet associated with/containing at least one biological active substance, along with a method of use of delivering with this bullet at least one biological active substance having at least one biological effect in the target upon impact and penetration, in addition to the bullet wound, and thus, having additional functions and applications than prior art bullets.

"Jerome H. Lemelson's Friend or foe detection system and method and expert system military action advisory system and method 2000-12-26 US6166679A Grant Abstract A friend or foe detection system and method is disclosed. Friend or foe warning unit 20 has a geographic locating system, a communication system for communicating with each of the warning units, and a military force detection system for detecting military forces in a combat area and has a signal routing and control circuitry 50 for controlling operations. A number of components, devices, or sub-systems, such as a transmitter/receiver radio 28, an antenna 26, a microphone 30, a speaker 32, a battery 34, a display 36, a microprocessor 38, a memory 40, a camera 56, a radar/lidar input 54, on/off switch 52, a GPS location system 45 that includes a GPS processor 46, a GPS receiver 42, a GPS antenna 44, are coupled to the circuitry 50. Display 36 provides a display to the user of the unit 20 and shows the location of friendly forces as well as unfriendly or unidentified forces in the area. Display 36 displays text messages for the user of the warning unit 20. The microprocessor 38 together with memory 40 provide microprocessor control of the operations of the warning unit 20. The geographic locating system includes GPS processor 46, GPS receiver 42, and GPS antenna 44, and it is used to determine the exact location of the warning unit 20. The unit 20 is able to broadcast and receive military force information, such as location and status (i.e. friendly, unfriendly, unidentified statuses). An expert system military action advisory system and method for advising military troops or personnel of firing decisions is also disclosed. A firing index is determined based on the membership variables, and the firing index is used to help make the firing decisions. The membership variables and the firing index are defined for an expert system or fuzzy logic system, and the expert system or fuzzy logic system helps determine making the firing decisions. The system and method operate by transmitting target and friendly force GPS coordinate information to determine danger. Alternatively, only target coordinates are transmitted with fire danger indices calculated on a distributed basis by individual warning units and transmitted to the source of fire without friendly force location coordinates to assist in making final firing decisions."

"Vencore Services and Solutions Inc, Cyveillance Inc Social Engineering Protection Appliance 2015-09-01 US9123027B2 Grant Abstract Methods and systems for detecting social engineering attacks comprise: extracting one or more non-semantic data items from an incoming email; determining whether the one or more non-semantic data items match information stored in a data store of previously collected information; performing behavioral analysis on the one or more non-semantic data items; analyzing semantic data associated with the email to determine whether the non-semantic data matches one or more patterns associated with malicious emails; and based on the determining, performing, and analyzing, identifying the email as potentially malicious or non-malicious. The system also includes processes for collecting relevant information for storage within the data store and processes for harvesting information from detected social engineering attacks for entry into the data store and seeding of the collection processes.

"Boeing Co's Encryption for asymmetric data links Priority date 2001-05-04 US 7023996B2 Grant Abstract A method is provided for asymmetrically encrypting data communicated between a ground platform and multiple airborne platforms. The method includes packet encrypting ground-based data so as to preserve routing information while encrypting the remaining data. The packet-encrypted data is then transmitted to the airborne platforms. The method also includes bulk encrypting airborne-based data so as to maximize security. The bulk-encrypted data is then transmitted to the ground platform."

"Motorola Solutions Inc's Dynamic encryption key selection for encrypted radio transmissions 1993-06-22 US5222137A Grant Abstract A radio (100) transmits and receives encrypted signals having unencrypted key identifiers, allowing other radios having the corresponding key identifiers and encryption keys to communicate with radio (100). Prior to transmitting an encrypted message, radio (100) selects a unique key identifier automatically and uses the corresponding encryption key to encrypt the message that will be transmitted. Radio (100) transmits the key identifier in an unencrypted format with the encrypted message in order to allow other radios to determine the encryption key used in encrypting the message. When receiving an encrypted message, radio (100) uses the predetermined process stored in the radio (100) to properly select the proper encryption key for use in decrypting the incoming message."

AWACS Weapons Directors – In a recent exercise, ROADRUNNER '98, several agencies interacted to create several battlespace missions in which "friendly" fighter aircraft and command and control crewmembers participated as trainees, while supporting roles and enemy forces were either played by operational personnel (virtual players) or created by intelligent agent technology (constructed forces).

"QinetiQ Acquires Cyveillance, Inc. to Strengthen Cyber Security Dominance with Leading Open Source Intelligence Solutions Combined Services Will Offer Comprehensive, Superior Intelligence Solutions to Both Commercial and Government Customers

May 06, 2009 08:57 AM Eastern Daylight Time

ARLINGTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Cyveillance today announced that it has signed an agreement to be acquired by QinetiQ North America, a provider of information technology and engineering solutions to the U.S. government. Under terms of the agreement, pending regulatory approval, Cyveillance will become a QinetiQ North America subsidiary. The company will continue to deliver Internet risk and threat intelligence to commercial organizations worldwide, while providing QinetiQ North America with the technology and expertise to enhance its innovative government-focused Cyber Security and Intelligence solutions."

"Cyveillance launches Cyber Threat Centre
Posted 17 September 2014 · Add Comment
QinetiQ company Cyveillance, has launched its comprehensive cloud-based intelligence platform, the Cyber Threat Centre.

The Centre allows security and risk professionals to undertake their own collection and analysis of online threat intelligence, and to identify and respond to threats faster and more effectively.

The Cyber Threat Centre combines web search, social media monitoring, global intelligence reports, and a suite of investigative tools and databases in an easy-to-use, cloud-based portal. Professionals who are responsible for physical and IT security, incident response, cyber investigations, and online compliance can distill information from thousands of sources outside the firewall into useable intelligence, tailored for their business needs.

"The Cyber Threat Centre is built on our experience from more than 16 years in the cyber security industry," said Cyveillance President Scott Kaine. “It is the natural evolution of our offerings. By taking advantage of the fact that we have already done the work of collecting and tagging vast amounts of data, the Cyber Threat Centre enables security and risk professionals to spend more time on analysis, and less time searching and configuring multiple different portals and data feeds."

The Centre gives organizations access to the same powerful sources, tools and databases already used by Cyveillance analysts, as well as extensive data for cyber investigations and better intelligence. Cyveillance continues to grow its traditional threat analyst practice, which provides tailored, customer-specific threat intelligence to organisations around the world.

"The Cyber Threat Centre is a user-friendly, scalable offering that puts the tools directly in the hands of our global customers and partners," added Sanjay Razdan, Managing Director for QinetiQ New Technologies."

"Serco Receives "Supplier of the Year" from Boeing for Enterprise Architecture Expertise
RESTON, VA (PRWEB) MAY 19, 2011 Serco Inc., a provider of professional, technology, and management services to the federal government, has been recognized as Supplier of the Year by The Boeing Company in the Technology category for its state-of-the-practice Enterprise Architecture solutions. … Serco's Enterprise Architecture Center of Excellence is based in Colorado Springs, CO. The team provides a variety of services in support of Boeing’s business units as well as research and development efforts. Serco's architecture employs object-oriented (OO)/Unified Modeling Language (UML) to define, design and satisfy defense agencies’ mission-critical requirements, including Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (C4I). This approach improves system developer's understanding of operational requirements and how best to integrate enterprise operations and systems for the optimal fulfillment of C4I and other operational needs.

About Serco Inc.: Serco Inc. is a leading provider of professional, technology, and management services focused on the federal government. We advise, design, integrate, and deliver solutions that transform how clients achieve their missions. Our customer-first approach, robust portfolio of services, and global experience enable us to respond with solutions that achieve outcomes with value. Headquartered in Reston, Virginia, Serco Inc. has approximately 11,000 employees, annual revenue of $1.5 billion, and is ranked in the Top 30 of the largest Federal Prime Contractors by Washington Technology. Serco Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Serco Group plc, a $6.6 billion international business that helps transform government and public services around the world. More information about Serco Inc. can be found at"

"Motorola announced that their semiconductor division would be divested on October 6, 2003, to create Freescale. Freescale completed its IPO on July 16, 2004.
On September 15, 2006, Freescale agreed to a $17.6 billion buyout by a consortium led by Blackstone Group and its co-investors, Carlyle Group, TPG Capital, and Permira.[26] The buyout offer was accepted on November 13, 2006, following a vote by company shareholders. The purchase, which closed on December 1, 2006, was the largest private buyout of a technology company until the Dell buyout of 2013 and is one of the ten largest buyouts of all time.[27]

Freescale filed to go public on February 11, 2011, and completed its IPO on May 26, 2011. Freescale is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol FSL. At the time of the IPO, the company had $7.6 billion in outstanding debt on its books,[28] and the company is being investigated for misconduct related to this IPO.[29]"

"Serco suffers profits collapse but on 'path to recovery' says CEO
Troubled outsourcer Serco details full extent of its woes and kicks off £555m rights issue
By Alan Tovey, Industry Editor 11:22AM GMT 12 Mar 2015
Troubled outsourcer Serco has launched a £555m rights issue as it starts on what chief executive Rupert Soames called "the path of recovery". Shares in the company, which had more than half a billion pounds wiped off its market value in November when it stunned the market with a huge profit warning, [after fraudulently charging UK government for transporting fake prisoners in Con Air SWAT teams] tumbled again as Mr Soames set out the full extent of the Serco's troubles. … The company's rights issue, on which Rothschild is advising cf Victor Rothschild, Pearl Harbor and the Henry Tizard Patent Pool, will see 549m new shares issued. The scheme is on a 1:1 basis and is priced at 101p, a deeply discounted 51.1pc compared with the previous closing price, and a 34pc discount on theoretical ex-rights price. The fundraising – which is subject to shareholder approval – is fully underwritten and the proceeds will be used to cut Serco's debt by £450m. At the end of the year Serco's net debt stood at £682m. The company said that subject to the rights issue's completion, it had struck an agreement with its creditors to refinance its funding."

"Serco Inc. Capabilities Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) Software Support Develop, demonstrate, implement and transition technologies to improve software/hardware development, fielding and sustainment support for chemical/biological detection and reconnaissance systems, individual and collective protection systems, decontamination systems, and information management systems for the Warfighter and First Responder, Homeland Defense and civil support activities."

"Boeing Begins World Headquarters Operations in Chicago
The Boeing Company began operations on schedule today [Sep 4, 2001] at its new world headquarters building in downtown Chicago.

Approximately 200 employees began unpacking and familiarizing themselves with the building, located on the Chicago River at 100 North Riverside. The company expects approximately 400 employees to be working on the building's top 12 floors by the end of the year.

Boeing and a team of more than 70 subcontractors, vendors and consultants delivered the finished office space, sophisticated telecommunications system, and computing infrastructure on schedule after 117 days of focused, intense effort. The aggressive schedule was driven by the company's commitment to employees with families to coordinate the opening with local school schedules.

Boeing Chairman and CEO Phil Condit - who will officially commemorate the opening of the new Boeing World Headquarters during a ceremony at the building tomorrow - announced in March a broad rearchitecture of the company that included the headquarters relocation. In addition, the leaders of the company's business units were given increased authority and responsibility to run their operations based on the needs of their customers, markets and communities where they do business.

"Boeing is in the midst of many exciting changes, and our new world headquarters in Chicago is part of our ongoing transformation," Condit said. "We intend to grow our enterprise here and create businesses that open frontiers and advance technology, while allowing our business leaders in other locations to drive their businesses to their full potential."

The building is designed with a vision of instant access to information by anyone from anywhere. More than 225 miles of data, communications and security cable were installed to support the more than 300 computers and 500 telephones needed on opening day.

Office spaces have been equipped with more than 3,000 data and telephone connections to support future information technology advancements along with systems needed to meet the goal of wireless connectivity in the future Boeing employees in Chicago are just a mouse click away from any Boeing facility, customer or supplier in 145 countries. Boeing employees, customers and suppliers visiting the new world headquarters will find a number of "mobile desk" touchdown spaces that provide Internet and LAN access, and equipment needed to be productive while away from their home offices."

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