Betterlife: The Diary Game (06-02-2024)-Rain, Resilience, and Roti: A Farmer's Journey


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

My username is @abdulmukit and I'm from Bangladesh.

The Diary Game

Assalamu alaikum, how are you all?

I hope you are all well, by the grace of God. I am also fine with everyone's prayers and love. Today I present to you the busy life of my daily life. I woke up very early today. I woke up and had a light breakfast.

It's raining outside. My crops will be wasted if there is no drainage system. So I wanted to go out and see. So when the rain stopped, I went out.

I went to the crop field. I went and saw that the soil was not completely watered. I began to take good care of the plants on the land. They are not growing in Asanu form. Therefore, pesticides containing vitamins should be applied. I love to grow vegetables.

I picked some vegetables from the crop field to cook at home. I love eating my own stuff. I came back home much later in the afternoon. I was very hungry, so I asked my mother to prepare food. After having lunch, I fell asleep for some time. Because the body felt very tired after doing a lot of work in the morning. I didn't go to the store all day today. In the afternoon, friends organized a chat. We all planned to eat Biryani.

I collected subscriptions from everyone. Cooking was arranged from the evening onwards. It was too late to cook. Everyone was having a lot of fun. Along with fried eggs and roast beef. Then we all played saji on the same plate. I was very happy. Finally, we play curd. After organizing the chat, we returned home by ourselves. There is no more food at home. Because the stomach was full. This is how my day ends. Everyone will pray for me.

Allah Hafez.


My phone details

CameraRedmi 9 Power
LocationSylhet, Bangladesh

Thanks to all friends who are supporting this dairy game post.

Best Regards



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