HELLO...I'm AZIZ newbie On STEEMIT !!

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)


Hello Steemit!!!

Introduce my name Abdul Aziz, I am often greeted by the name of aziz. I was born in Aceh, Its place In lhokseumawe on January 22, 1997, I am the second of four children. My Hobbies Main Game, Watch and Bermusic. When there is free time, I spend time studying Graphic Design. I'm an Unlikely Person Accepting Reality, Tampa Will Try to Change the Reality. My dream became a successful and successfully mastered various fields. Maybe this desire is too much, but that's the reality. Hopefully with the shortcomings I have will be a way to get up and keep trying to be the best for myself.

Halo Steemit !!!
Perkenalkan nama saya Abdul Aziz, saya sering disambut dengan nama aziz. Saya lahir di Aceh, tempatnya di lhokseumawe pada 22 Januari 1997, saya anak kedua dari empat bersaudara. My Hobbies Main Game, Tonton dan Bermusic. Ketika ada waktu luang, saya menghabiskan waktu belajar Desain Grafis. Saya adalah Orang yang Tidak Mungkin Menerima Realita, Tampa Akan Mencoba Mengubah Realita. Impian saya menjadi sukses dan berhasil menguasai berbagai bidang. Mungkin keinginan ini terlalu banyak, tapi itulah kenyataannya. Semoga dengan kekurangan yang saya miliki akan menjadi cara untuk bangkit dan terus berusaha menjadi yang terbaik untuk diri saya sendiri.


I also have a unique passion, Like the complicated things. And the most special thing for me to get together with the Family. Because it is Marek who is always the perfect motivator and inspirer in every problem. as a friend who understands my situation, Because he is I know Steemit. It turns out with steemit we can also be creative, in the sense of the word Creating New Knowledge, And the most special we can get to know each other. Please guidance from all steemit friends, especially to the STEEMIT INDONESIA COMMUNITY who have participated and give full support to Indonesian steemit media, even steemit social media users around the world.

Saya juga memiliki gairah yang unik, Seperti hal-hal rumit. Dan hal yang paling istimewa bagi saya untuk berkumpul dengan Keluarga. Karena itu Marek yang selalu menjadi motivator dan inspirator yang sempurna dalam setiap masalah.sebagai teman yang mengerti situasiku, Karena dia aku kenal Steemit. Ternyata dengan steemit kita juga bisa kreatif, dalam arti kata Creating New Knowledge, Dan yang paling spesial kita bisa saling mengenal. Mohon bimbingan dari semua teman steemit, terutama kepada KOMUNITAS STEEMIT INDONESIA yang telah berpartisipasi dan memberikan dukungan penuh kepada media steemit Indonesia, bahkan pengguna media sosial di seluruh dunia steemit.


I work in printing printing parts Acrylic operators.Such as making placards, Key chains, Space names, and Various Other Types Concerning Acrylic. Here I have to master the field of graphic design as a complement to the procedures and forms that I will do. So my Brief Introduction, Hopefully with this steemit, I can learn, Increase knowledge and become my Inspiration to Write, may you like my post and hope you can accept me in this steemit.

Seperti membuat plakat, gantungan Kunci, nama Ruang, dan Berbagai Jenis Lain Mengenai Akrilik. Di sini saya harus menguasai bidang desain grafis sebagai pelengkap prosedur dan bentuk yang akan saya lakukan. Jadi Pengantar Singkat saya, Semoga dengan steemit ini, saya bisa belajar, Meningkatkan pengetahuan dan menjadi Inspirasi untuk Menulis, semoga Anda menyukai posting saya dan berharap Anda dapat menerima saya di steemit ini.



Welcome to the platform. Nice to meet you as well. We happy to have you here!

I am very happy with your presence in Steemit. I wish you the best! Hope you gonna have fun with our community and see you soon.

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Continue doing good post.
Kind Regards,

Can you help resteemed my posting

Hello ! Welcome to Steem ! :)

Welcome to steemit family! Good luck! I am sure that you will fully enjoy your journey here:)

welcome to the steemit community !

Welcome to steemit

Welcome to steemit

Welcome to Steemit!
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Hey dear
Welcome to steemit
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Hello @abdulaziz. It's nice to see you here!

hi @abdulaziz Welcome to Steemit Community. Looking forward for your next post. See you around. You can also join in STEEMSCHOOLS discord here https://discord.gg/8CRS4j4 They can help you grow in this steemit community. If you still don't have a discord account. Just register first through the link I gave you. I'm glad to help you. See you there!

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