The Morning Routine

in #life8 years ago

I wake up slowly to the sound of my iPhone alarm and roll over turning it off and tucking the phone under my pillow to fall back asleep for a minute or two. It’s funny how in just a few minutes of sleep crazy dreams form and entire stories develop. My mind wanders to magical places just to be brought back to reality. I wake up again though and start the fight. It’s nice and warm under the covers and I don’t feel like getting up. The air is cold and I already dread getting out of the shower because of this. Wet and cold do not go together well. I know the feeling of being wet and cold all too well. It’s that terrible feeling you get when waking up after sleeping in a tent and having to put on cold damp clothes. Just thinking about it makes my skin crawl. Planning for this misery, I grab clean clothes and a dry towel and get into the steamy shower. After washing my hair, face and body thoroughly I step out onto the bath mat and quickly grab my towel, flip off the switch to the exhaust fan hoping to trap as much warmth in the room as possible and dry myself completely. After I’m completely dry I can get dressed. The worst part of this is leaning down to put on socks and having a cold metal belt buckle jab me in the stomach. I brush my teeth and head downstairs. After skimming through my news feed on instagram, snapchat and occasionally facebook I make my lunch assembling it and knolling* it on the kitchen island before packing it into a brown paper lunch bag. I quickly fill my backpack, replace the water bottle from the day before and run through the weekday morning mental checklist. Phone, wallet, keys, lunch, gym clothes, school books. Again. Phone, wallet, keys, lunch, gym clothes, school books. This checklist has become a mantra repeated over and over. Without the order of my morning routine, life would fall back into the way it used to be. 

Remembering that far back is difficult. Memories become grainier the further back I go. It’s kind of like looking at old video. Today’s memories are saved in 4K resolution. Yesterdays are only in 1080p and going back months, filmed on an old home video camera. Early childhood must have been filmed on a potato. Anyways, mornings used to be very difficult for me. Many things were harder. I still often have a lingering feeling that I am forgetting something, but it is not the anxious feeling that would bother me when I was younger. Having a morning routine has made life much less stressful for me, and has made me much more successful in recent times.

^^^Thats the backpack I fill in the morning and take to school and stuff. Would recommend, its a great backpack^^^

That’s all for today folks. 

You may have noticed I haven't been too active recently. Well I'm back and hope to be writing more often! (weekly?)

Drop a follow for some more cool stuff on all sorts of topics ie. life stories, opinions, reviews, internetting advice --Aaron

*Knolling is the process of arranging related objects in parallel or 90-degree angles as a method of organization. (One of my favorite techniques for organizing)

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