3 This Food Can Stop Smoking Habit

in #aceh7 years ago (edited)

Quitting smoking is difficult for some smokers. The following foods can overcome this.

Changing habits can also help the success of smoking cessation programs. As quoted from bintang.com consuming these three foods can help you stop smoking:

1 ginger

Ginger can be an alternative when you start feeling bland for not touching a cigarette. Spice kitchen is mentioned can suppress the desire to smoke. To suppress the desire to smoke, you can consume a mixture of ginger with a tablespoon of sugar every day.

  1. Cinnamon
    Inhaling the aroma of cinnamon can replace the usual cigarettes you consume. The desire for a very large smoking, will be suppressed with cinnamon.

  2. Carrot

Chewing carrots, cucumbers, and celery can also stop smoking. The effects will be the same as when you drink a glass of milk is also known to stop the good smoking habit.

According to a study conducted by Duke University, smokers who drink a glass of milk before smoking will feel that smoking is a terrible thing, with bitter after-taste. So drinking milk can be an alternative to stop smoking. You can also dip the cigarette into the milk and let it dry out whenever you have a desire to smoke. Eating the right foods can help you quit smoking. Do not forget, smoking can trigger some deadly diseases such as heart disease, lungs, and liver.

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