Huq's perception without Huq's Imam Hawk's connection is not possible.

in Optical World3 years ago
Huq's perception without Huq's Imam Hawk's connection is not possible. ================

If Allama Imam Hayat Huq does not understand the meaning of kalema and does not understand what he has said about the soul of the holy kalema and the life of kalema and the world of kalema, then by uttering kalema there will be no kalema and there will be no light and bondage of kalema; Apart from which, mere verbal utterance is not Iman Deen, it is futile.


Allama Imam Hayat, as the bearer of the consciousness of the holy kalema and the guide of the light of kalema, has given a complete outline of the life of the holy kalema in all the spiritual, political, human and economic aspects of kalema in this age.

Truth cannot be understood without the direction of truth. The flow of truth continues through Asila. There is no truth in just letters and words unless there is a soul based on perception and truth.


In the recent history before the direction of Imam Hayat, in the name of truth, Islam, Ahl-e-Sunnat, caliphate, definition of life, spiritual consciousness, politics, state, lies were going on in the name of truth, ignorance was going on in the name of knowledge, atheist materialist Granted, in the name of politics, banditry was going on, in the name of the state, in the name of borders, the dictatorship of a single group was going on.

Before the direction of Imam Hayat, there was a mixture of distortion and truth and falsehood in the name of Iman-Shariat-Tariqat. The real Islam was almost extinct by deceiving in the name of Wabiism-Shiaism-Salafism-Maududiism Islam.


Contrary to the eternal tradition of Ahl as-Sunnah, apolitical bound or abolished tyranny was turned into a part of the politics of evil. In contrast to the beloved Ahl al-Bayt (may Allah be pleased with them), the sect of Ahl-e-Sunnat of Islam was buried under the pseudonym of Ahl-e-Sunnat by establishing the Kharijite Kufri sect of Moabia Ejid Mulukiyat.

Before the direction of Imam Hayat, by naming Al Arab as "Saudi Arabia", the whole of Islam and the Muslim nation was drowned in the blasphemy of the Moabite Ezidabadi sectarian Wabibadi Mulukiyat on the Holy Ka'bah.

In the recent history before the direction of Imam Hayat, the political direction of Islam and the state system of humanity in Khilafate Insaniyat (representative authority of life & humanity beyond any discrimination, flow of truth & wealth, structure of right & freedom, state and world of peace-safety & universal humanity under light of In the name of a single religion and in the name of a single nationalist state, the whole of humanity was shut down in a destructive black hole by destroying the outline of divine values; given by beloved holy Rasul, the source of all blessing-love-humanity).

Nowhere in the recent history before the direction of Imam Hayat was the correct direction of Quranul Kareem and Hadith Sharif in full form. Due to this, the complete stream of religion has been abolished and religion and life and world have been taken over.

Imam Hayat is the only Imam of the world who has identified all the falsehoods and given the direction of salvation from the darkness of all falsehoods.


Aqeedah Ideology Spiritual Politics Humanity in all respects Kalama Quranul Kareem Hadith Sharif based Shariat-Tariqat-Khilafah-Life Policy-Politics-Politics-World Policy Reviving Islam and the extinct pure and complete direction of life Imam Hayat showed the way.

Without Imam Hayat, the creed of Kalma, the soul, the life and the whole state of Kalma's state and world order are not visible anywhere in the world. In the recent history, only Imam Hayat, the beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) has restored the defined aspect of humanity from the destructive darkness of falsehood and ignorance by restoring the definition of humanity and the outline of the right to life-freedom-dignity for all human beings.

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