According to the beliefs of the so-called Gaochia

in Optical World3 years ago

According to the beliefs of the so-called Gaochia Committee Sholashahar Madrasa and its people
Materialist doctrine is permissible, whereas materialist doctrine is the opposite of faith.
Waze, the son of their principal and their mouthpiece, openly said that any party can be formed if they are members! Naujubillah!
This is the proof of their false Sunniism. But behind all parties and all politics there is some or the other ideology.


By legitimizing materialist doctrine and the politics of abolitionism, they have proved themselves to be agents of abrogation and the opposite of Hawke.
This statement of brokerage of all cancellations
This is the proof of their hypocrisy. It has been proved that their Sunni religion is not the Sunni religion of Islam but a ploy to destroy Sunni religion through mere fraudulent business and invalid brokerage.


The Salsila Madrasa brokers, the ignorant professional mullahs, have used the Sunni people to defeat the Sunnis by defeating and destroying them.
This hate speech of the brokerage brokerage
This is the proof of their business in the guise of Tariqat. By pushing the Sunnis to the path of false doctrine, they have denied all aspects of the mainstream of Islam, the creed of Ahl as-Sunnah, the ideology, the spiritual politics.


This is the proof of their brokerage in the guise of Sunni.
This is the proof of their unbelief and lack of knowledge.
This is the proof that they are the destructive enemy of Islam by indulging in all falsehoods.
world sunni movement.

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