How tax breaks help the rich !!!

in #tax7 years ago

The gap between the rich and the poor in America looks more like developing countries than other Western nations. Trump and the GOP have proposed tax plans that will give massive tax breaks to the wealthy while it remains unclear if the middle class will get a tax benefit.


We have regressed in our infrastructure behind so many countries that we used to be ahead of its not even funny. Thanks for the info

Fortunately the buffoon in the white house AKA our Clown In Chief, AKA the Orange Orangutan, AKA Fu!#ing Moron (courtesy Rex Tillerson-his own Sec. of State), is not likely to get any legislation passed, let alone a tax restructuring that will for all practical purposes lead to bankruptcy (something he knows a little about), and raise our debt to over 90 trillion dollars. I heard this quote on Real Time so take it as you will, it is relevant to the conversation. "Trump came to Washington to drain the swamp, it looks like he's trying to drain the treasury first" ...

It's the same here in the United Kingdom.
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Thank God for the creation of Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies which, will put an end to the selfish and greedy elites from stealing our money by way of tax a.k.a. legalised theft.

Decentralisation = Power to everyone!

Definitely. About 37 years ago, Reagan came on the scene proclaiming that everyone would benefit from "trickle-down economics" (aka Voodoo economics), and that it was morning in America.

Now, it's clear that it truly is voodoo economics, and that it never worked. While some benefited at first from the trickle, it was mostly those nearer to the top of the heap (the 1%), and it was temporary at best.

Today, we've got an economy where the rich have become richer, the poor have become poorer, and it's just getting worse and worse.

Of course, the rich will always have plenty of food and big homes and comfortable lives – even if they lose much of their wealth and income. The poor, on the other hand, will suffer.

Hopefully, change will come.

Thanks for the great post. You and I have some similar interests / posts (photography, the wealth gap, etc). Here's a link to one of my posts in my Chaos Monitaur series. Hope you find it interesting.

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