SEC-S17W6 "Saving Humanity ".

Hello Everyone. I am @shiftitamanna
From #Bangladesh

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Assalamu Alaikum to everyone. I present to you today with my entry for my engagement challenge. Today's topic is very good because it talks about the cure of diseases. I want to thank the Scouts y sus Amigos community for choosing the creative topic. Today I will express my opinion according to the demand of this competition question.


If we had the power to eradicate any one of those diseases (just one) which one would you prefer to see go away? Describe your opinion.

Cancer is the first thing that comes to my mind when I think about go away. Because I have experienced this in my real life. We all know that cancer is one of the most complicated diseases for human body. And if not treated properly, the patient's death is sure.

When the genes of the cells start changing in our body. Symptoms of cancer appear. But in most cases, cancer destroys the immune cells in our body. As a result, cancer cells cannot fight disease. On the other hand people are suffering from incurable diseases like cancer.

There are some common cancers that people are prone to. For example, blood cancer, lung cancer, bone cancer, breast cancer etc, millions of people die every year as a result of cancer, due to lack of money, many cannot get proper treatment. I would like to find a cure for all types of cancer and eliminate such complex and costly diseases from the world.


Have you known people who have suffered from that disease?

source : Taken from my colleague's Facebook ID.

Yes, I said at the beginning of the post that I have experience. I know a couple from my office colleague whose 3 year old daughter has been suffering from breast cancer for 5 months. A year ago, 'Chronic Osteomyelitis' caused by an infection in the leg bone has now become a deadly bone cancer called metastatic Ewing's sarcoma.

source : Taken from my colleague's Facebook ID.
source : Taken from my colleague's Facebook ID.

Both father and mother of the child are working in my office. I learned from the child's father that the symptoms and origin of cancer started long ago but the doctors could not detect it in time. If the treatment could be started on time, then the leg bone would not have been so damaged. A bone marrow test of his sister showed that about 20% of the bone marrow had been blasted.

source : Youtube/Bangladeshi media covered the news of the child with cancer.

The child is currently undergoing chemotherapy. However, for such treatment in Bangladesh, about 20 to 25 lakh rupees are needed. Which is very difficult for the helpless parents of this child to bear. So they appealed for help from everywhere. Apart from this, the media of Bangladesh also broadcasted the news of the child's illness. I have also provided financial support for the child.


Do you think the world would be a much better place if that disease did not exist?

I certainly wish it would be better if this disease did not exist in the world. Cancer is a disease that is very complex and expensive to treat. Those who suffer from this disease know how much they have to suffer. As in the above discussion, think of the child, think of his parents. I saw them up close, the child's parents trying their hardest to save their child. There is a financial crisis among them.

So I want if this deadly disease cancer is not in the world then the people of the world would be freed from this complex disease. No one would have to die without treatment.

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I would like to invite my friends @mdkamran99, @irawandedy, @patjewell, @goodybest to participate in this contest.


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Thank you @kouba01 sir for your valuable support.

If there's any disease that can torture a patient badly, I'll first mention cancer because this disease is so heartless. Like you already said, cancer is very complicated to deal with especially people who aren't financially stable. 😢😢This. Child is really going through a lot, how can an innocent girl be suffering from such disease? Maybe Cancer doesn't have an eyes. I wish human have got the power to eliminate disease, this cancer would've been the first disease to pursue. I hope God heal the child for me...😢

 15 days ago 

Cuando leo experiencias como la que mencionas de esta niña me lleno de mucha tristeza ya que son muchos los niños, niñas, adolescentes, jóvenes y adultos que se encuentran librando una batalla en contra de esta terrible enfermedad que viene a dañar el cuerpo de las personas. Seria bueno tener ese gran poder de erradicar esta enfermedad.

 14 days ago 

Oh no! This breaks my heart. I don't like it when I see children suffering.
For me, the worst was seeing the little ones receiving treatment when I went for mine.

You are a wonderful person for helping this little bundle of joy's parents financially. Thank you!

Best wishes for the contest!
As for the invitation, thank you. I have dropped an entry.

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