SEC S17-W5 || Whales In Steem Blockchain

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The word "whales" in the blockchain world is so frequently used that it stimulates thought-provoking debates. They are the key stakeholders who not only command a lot of attention but also can steer the course and shape the future of projects or a community. However, who precisely are they, and what exactly are their obligations to the community?

According to the evidence in my finding, there is no specific definition of these entities. Cryptocurrencies are, unfortunately, referred to by different blockchain platforms with different meanings. The most widespread opinion of whale is someone who holds at least 10% of a cryptocurrency. In the BTC environment, someone with over 1,000 BTC is typically considered a whale. The case of whales is represented by some of the most prominent names, including the Winklevoss twins, who have about 70,000 BTC, and Michael J. Saylor who, at least, owns 17,732.

On the Steem ecosystem, the term "whales" covers entities which hold a large amount of Steem cryptocurrency assets especially STEEM tokens or STEEM Power. In Steem they can play a major role in affecting prices, liquidity, as well as, market stability. Whales, in particular, are considered to be change makers because of their capacity to influence the market through large-scale transactions.

Anyone can become a whale on Steem, including institutional investors with large corporate holdings or single wealthy people. They achieve this position through the collection of Steem assets, which is usually, accumulated through direct purchasing or earned by publications on steem platform.

The top 10 whales on the Steem platform, ranked by the indicator of the amount of STEEM Power they possess, can be found here

The Whales' Dilemma

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While the task of whales was prior to the community has become a controversial aspect for discussion, Steem community keeps on growing. On the other hand, in being key members, the community and projects on Steem will surely benefit from their activities. For example, they can provide financial assistance to creators, ensure market liquidity, or drive users to participate in making content.

However, from a capitalist perspective, the primary goal of whales is to accumulate profit and maximize their gains. In a more pragmatic context, whales have the right to control prices or markets for their own benefit. In many other blockchain-based platforms, whales can dominate the platform and steer the direction of project development, inevitably leading to wealth disparities among users, especially the minnows.

The responsibility of whales towards the Steem community appears somewhat ambiguous to me, as it often hides behind the individual interests of seeking maximum profit, contrasting with the collective interest of ensuring the sustainability of the Steem community (so that profits can be accumulated for as long as possible). Even as Steemians, we surely have pragmatic reasons for joining this platform, right? It's impossible for us to be here without "capital" reasons as I mentioned earlier.

Yet, other responsibilities or issues present themselves from an ethical and moral standpoint. From an ethical point of view it is wrong to practice manipulation of users or any activity that can harm users as it will finally destroy the Steem platform itself. Actions which involve grassroot vote manipulation or any behavior which adversely affects other users have the potential to destroy the trust of the public external to the Steem platform and threaten the overall resilience of the platform.


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Furthermore, whales should abstain from anything that goes against ethical and moral values and they have a role to play in conserving Steem ecosystem. Here are three key roles that, in my opinion, whales play in their responsibility to the community:

1. Strengthening the Community

While whales in massive ocean are feared by every other marine creature, Steem's whales are so magnetic that they are bound to capture everyone's attention. Given all these super powers, it isn’t a big deal. There are some who empoy whales to seek out curation rewards, as well as others who receive support due to high-quality content they have made.

2. Guarding Against Steem 'Inflation'

Whales in the Steem community own a considerable amount of STEEM in a bid to control the supply. As a major holder of the STEEM, the whales serve as a kind of a safety net in case the crypto-market falls out of favor. Whales also act as investors whose interest to invest in the Steem platform, especially through the buying of STEEM Power, is strengthened. That is due to the fact that the present trend shows that with the growing number of users on the platform, it results in more interactions within it. These interactions will invite outside entities to invest in the Steem platform. Besides that, this will also boost its competitiveness in the global market.

Five Phases

There are five phases of your journey when you are converting yourself successfully into a whale. In fact, it is even more appropriate to think in hierarchical terms from the SP being the lowest user level to the highest SP of course.

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1. Plankton

Plankton occupies the lowest rank in the Steemit ecosystem. These are the ones who have just signed up to Steemit. Analogically to plankton organisms drifting in the ocean in nowhere, users with plankton status have just joined Steem. The plankton on Steemit are dependent on the community for their success milestones to be achieved.

2. Minnow

Minnows usually are termed as micro-bloggers on Steemit with SP below 5000. Those are the little Steem power users. Each vote from them counts less than 0.1 to your account. Despite minnows being freshmen with less votes, dismissing them would be an utter mistake. Normally, it is the active period for the users whose motivation level is at its highest point and it is at this moment that they engage themselves in building communities around them through regular commenting of other accounts.

3. Dolphin

Dolphins are users with the staking power between 5,000 and 50,000 STEEM Power (SP). They are users with a moderate amount of investment in the platform. One of the their votes can increase your account balance by just a few cents. Dolphins are already established and have the potential to become an orca or a whale someday. Dolphins typically start seeking curation rewards by voting on posts that are expected to be voted on by Whales so they want to vote before Whales come in.

4. Orca

Orca is a user with a small enough size to fall into the category of a whale, but too huge to be categorized as a dolphin. Orca is a user with 50 K to 500K SP.

5. Whale

This is the level that we have been talking about all the time, the monarchs of the ocean, the whales. Whales are the individuals with 500000 SP and above. In a single click, a single whale vote can deposit hundreds of dollars into your account. Whales are the mega stars in the field of users' posts. Their votes can essentially decide which posts will be viewed more often and which ones will make more money.

Conclusion and Strategy

The presence of "whales" in the Steem ecosystem certainly poses challenges for users of the Steem platform, especially for those at lower levels such as plankton, minnows, and dolphins.

One of the most prominent challenges is the imbalance of power and influence between whales and other users. Whales wield significant voting power, allowing them to easily influence reward distribution and the visibility of posts. This can make it difficult for other users to compete and receive due recognition for their content.

In my opinion, there are several tips that users can adopt to expand their influence and attract whales:

1. Leverage Existing Communities

Users, particularly plankton and minnows, can leverage community features as a collaborative space for mutual support. By working together, they can provide each other with votes and support to increase the visibility of their content. Collaboration also enables users to exchange experiences and strategies to address challenges collectively.

2. Focus on Quality

Despite the challenge of competing with whales in terms of voting power, users can still focus on creating high-quality content that adds value to the community. Original, informative, and engaging content has a greater chance of garnering attention and support from various parties, including whales.

3. Be Flexible and Adaptive

Adapting to changes in the Steem ecosystem is inevitable. Users need to be flexible and adaptive to changes in rules, market trends, and the behavior of other users. By remaining open to change and ready to adjust their strategies, users can stay relevant and competitive in a dynamic environment.

Thank you for taking your time to read my post

Best Regards,



It's interesting to see how these whales, which are the big players on the Steem platform, shape and influence the entire ecosystem. They possess immense power and influence due to the significant amount of Steem tokens they hold. However, with great power comes great responsibility. It's crucial for these whales to strike a balance between seeking profits and engaging in ethical behavior to ensure the long-term sustainability of the platform.

You see, these whales have the ability to impact the rewards and visibility of content on Steem. They can upvote or downvote posts, which can greatly affect the earnings and popularity of a particular piece of content. Therefore, it's important for them to use their power wisely and fairly, considering the interests of the broader community and the overall health of the platform.

As regular users, we can also play a part in navigating the challenges posed by these whales. Collaboration is key. By working together, supporting each other, and creating high-quality content, we can make ourselves more visible and increase our chances of being noticed by both whales and the wider Steem community. By focusing on quality and engaging with others in a positive and constructive manner, we can build a strong and vibrant community that thrives despite the influence of these powerful players.

So, let's embrace collaboration, prioritize quality, and wish each other the best of luck as we navigate the exciting world of Steem.


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The steemit community will be stronger or not really depends on its community and indeed to make the community stronger needs the collaboration of all of us in any way possible, thank you for taking time reading my post @sahmie

Hey nailul ,

Anyone can become a whale on Steem, including institutional investors with large corporate holdings or single wealthy people. They achieve this position through the collection of Steem assets, which is usually, accumulated through direct purchasing or earned by publications on steem platform.

Yes I too agree with the fact that anyone can become a whale by purchasing steem assests or steems . But still for me it will more be the matter of respect for those who started from zero and made it till here . Whatever there rank be , and whatever number of steems they might have I have a lot of respect for such users . Other than that , we cannot really bring down and forget the the contributions of these whale holders who put a significant effect for small users . Your guide to attract whales is amazing as many steemians need it .

Collaboration also enables users to exchange experiences and strategies to address challenges collectively.

This may look like the very small way of getting whales attracted but the reality is this is the best way and major steemians follow this method.

Original, informative, and engaging content has a greater chance of garnering attention and support from various parties, including whales.

Even in order for whales to support us we need to produce content that they may also feel like is worth supporting.

need to be flexible and adaptive to changes in rules, market trends, and the behavior of other users. By remaining open to change and ready to adjust their strategies, users can stay relevant and competitive in a dynamic environmen

Yes this is something that not everyone does. Many time users feel irritable and irrelevant by the new rules or markdowns which affects their image and performance.
Reading your post was really interesting and I gained a lot of information.
Thanks for posting such an article .
Blessings to you ❤

Thank you very much for your generous reply, I really appreciate you read my post and support me with your comment @moyeon

I wish you good luck and have a nice day

Welcome my friend :)


@el-nailul Its fascinating how whales shape the Steem ecosystem. They hold immense power but with that comes responsibility. Its crucial for them to balance profit seeking with ethical behavior to ensure the platform's sustainability. As users we can leverage collaboration and focus on quality content to navigate the challenges posed by whales. Good luck

Hi @hamzayousafzai, thank you for your encouraging comment on my post. I am not an expert on this kind of thing and need to learn more from you and others for better understanding

have a nice day

Whale are just like most ideal and experienced leaders which are able to set tone for engagement and liquidity so if it occurs then it ensures steemit having a vibrant ecosystem. Whale have significant dominance which could be intimidating.Whales also play their role in mentorship and supporting newbies so it foster more inclusivity and development of steemit. As playing a role like guardians for every steemian they play their key role in maintainance of steemit integrity and for the promotion of its day by day success.

Much success for you ...

Thank you for your support as always @khursheedanwar

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Greeting my dear friend,

You have described the topic very you well and discuss in detail what is the role of whales and how they has impact on the overall on steemit platform either in different innovative and projects and their role is highly appreciated moreover you have discussed how the role of whale can effect the market and and hence you also discussed in detail how the user activities connected with the Wales activity and how we can overcome it, which is the highly appreciated.

I wish you success

Hello friend! I am just trying to elaborate on my ideas regarding the issue of whales on the Steem blockchain, and I hope my content can be beneficial to the readers. Thank you for your support anyway

 25 days ago 

Hello smart one I must say I am pleased with what I have read for me article this is because it's shared so many high quality knowledge that could help me or help anyone understand they doings and activities of each and every whale on the platform.

Despite the challenge of competing with whales in terms of voting power, users can still focus on creating high-quality content that adds value to the community. Original, informative, and engaging content has a greater chance

Sincerely this is the best advice I could give to anyone and I have received for this month this is because everyone should focus on doing his own part of the job perfectly if you are contact creator you should focus on creating very high quality content why leave you are a creator,

Thank you for your support my friend. I realize that we are at a significant disadvantage compared to the whales, so writing quality content is one way for us to get noticed and show that we can compete fairly to each other

I am not a particularly smart person by the way. I'm just sharing what I have read and learned over time, even though it's still far from perfect. I have also learned a lot from the writings of seniors at SteemitCryptoAcademy here

Once again, thank you for your supportive comments. I will always learn to improve in the future


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